Welcome to Distributed Systems! This course will introduce you to the principles behind building robust distributed systems, and get practical experience building a small distributed system. We will also discuss a number of widely deployed distributed systems such as Amazon's Dynamo and Google's Spanner. This course will be a discussion and research-oriented course. We will be reading and discussing a series of papers over the course of the semester. There will be two midterms, and two projects. The first project will allow you to utilize the principles learned in class to build a distributed key-value store. The second project is more open-ended, and will allow you to explore doing research in distributed systems. BackgroundThe expected background for this course is an undergraduate operating systems course, in which you learned the basics of an OS. Probably you learned it out of some book like Silberschatz or Tanenbaum or the free OS book from Wisconsin. If you have taken Alison Norman's excellent OS course (CS 439), you will be in a good position to take this course. If you took my Virtualization course and enjoyed it, you will like this course. You should be willing to engage in discussion if you take this course. Each class, we will be discussing the assigned papers, talking about why the authors did something a certain way, and what other designs they could have considered. If everyone participates, this will lead to a lively discussion that will benefit everyone. You should also be willing to do network development. Almost all the systems we build and discuss will involve processes communicating over the network. Thus, it is essential you know network programming, sockets, how to get processes to communicate over the network, etc. Note to undergrads: this course will be more design-based and open-ended than your typical undergraduate courses. For example, the midterms will have you designing new systems for scenarios I make up. I know that not all undergrads enjoy this open-ended nature, so you have been forewarned. If you liked the discussion-based nature and the first design-based midterm in Virtualization, you will like this course. Heavy Reading-Load Warning: you will be reading two research papers each class (a total of four per week!). This way, we get to cover more of the field than we would if we discussed just one paper. But it does mean you have to allocate time properly to read these papers. One of the skills you pick up in grad school is efficiently reading papers, so this will be good practice! ResourcesThere is no required textbook for this class. You will complete reading assignments every week based on what we discussed in class. I will make notes available for each class. If you want to purchase a book for you to keep as a reference, there are several to choose from:
Course PoliciesStudents with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities, 512-471-6259, http://www.utexas.edu/diversity/ddce/ssd/. Religious Holy Days: A student who is absent from an examination or cannot meet an assignment deadline due to the observance of a religious holy day may take the exam on an alternate day or submit the assignment up to 24 hours late without penalty, if proper notice of the planned absence has been given. Notice must be given at least 14 days prior to the classes which will be missed. For religious holy days that fall within the first 2 weeks of the semester, notice should be given on the first day of the semester. Notice must be personally delivered to the instructor and signed and dated by the instructor, or sent certified mail. Email notification will be accepted if received, but a student submitting email notification must receive email confirmation from the instructor. Collaboration
Late Policy
ScheduleWho: Vijay ChidambaramWhen: Tu-Th 2-3:30 PM Where: GDC 5.302 First class: Jan 16th
Office Hours: Tu-Th 3:30-4:30 PM
TA: Samantha Miller Guest LecturesWe will have guest lectures from senior engineers in industry so that we can learn about the current practices and problems in the field. The first guest lecture will be from Prince Mahajan and Indrajit Roy, Staff Engineers at Google. Our second guest lecture will be from Goranka Bjedov, Capacity Engineer at Facebook. Canvas and PiazzaWe will be using Canvas for course administration, grading, and submitting assignments and project. Check out the course page here. You will need your UT EID to log in. We will be holding our class discussions on Piazza. Please sign up here. GradingExams - 40% (20% each midterm)Reading-Based Assignments - 10% Implementation Project - 25% Research Project - 25% Extra CreditThere are a number of opportunities to earn extra credit. One of the goals of this class is to get you started in research in distributed systems. As such, I offer extra credit for working on research and getting to a feasible submission.
ExamsThere will be two mid-terms. Each mid-term will count for 20% of the grade. The exams will be conducted in-class, in place of our regular lecture.
Midterm 1: Thu Mar 8th (tentatively) DeadlinesEvery week on Friday (except when we have midterms), you will be required a submit an assignment answering questions on the papers we discussed that week. Mar 2. Implementation Project Code and Report due. Mar 8. Midterm 1. Mar 15. Extra credit workshop paper due. May 3. Midterm 2. May 3 - May 10. Schedule out-of-class presentation for Research Project. May 10. Research Project Report due. ProjectsThere will be two big projects in the course. Students will work in groups of two or three for both projects. Implementation Project. You will be building a distributed key-value store. The project document can be found here. Research Project. You will be conducting original research in distributed systems. You will produce a 12 page research paper at the end of the semester. For extra credit, the strength and rigor of the research should be such that it is a viable submission at OSDI, NSDI, SIGMETRICS, or FAST. Alternatively, you could write a workshop paper based on your research; but this has to be done by Mar 15. More details will be added soon. This project will be due May 10th. |
AcknowledgmentsThis course is inspired by (and uses material from) courses taught by Tom Anderson and Doug Woos, Lorenzo Alvisi, Jinyang Li, Alison Norman, Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, Don Porter, Simon Peter, and Chris Rossbach. Thank you all!CopyrightCopyright Notice: These course materials, including, but not limited to, lecture notes, homeworks, and projects are copyright protected. You must ask me permission to use these materials. I do not grant to you the right to publish these materials for profit in any form. Any unauthorized copying of the class materials is a violation of federal law and may result in disciplinary actions being taken against the student or other legal action against an outside entity. Additionally, the sharing of class materials without the specific, express approval of the instructor may be a violation of the University's Student Honor Code and an act of academic dishonesty, which could result in further disciplinary action. This includes, among other things, uploading class materials to websites for the purpose of sharing those materials with other current or future students. |