body bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> CS 311: Discrete Math for Computer Science

CS 311: Discrete Math for Computer Science, Spring 2015

This course will introduce you to methods of reasoning used in computer science. Main topics: logical notation and proof methods; induction and recursion; sets, functions, and relations; the growth of functions; annotated programs and loop invariants.


Time and Place: TTh 12:30-2, GDC 2.216; Discussion sections: F 10-3.

Prerequisites: Computer Science 312 or 312H; Mathematics 408C, 408K or 408N, or registration for Mathematics 408C.

Instructor: Vladimir Lifschitz (

Instructor's Office Hours: W 2-3 and by appointment, GDC 3.808.

Teaching Assistants: Keenan Breik ( and Akshay Kamath (

Proctor: Keerthana Kumar (

Their Office Hours: Keenan MW 12-1; Akshay T 4-5, Th 2-3; Keerthana M 1-3, W 1-2; at the TA station in the basement of GDC.

Lecture notes: Before every class meeting, you should check whether new sections of lecture notes have been posted online; print them out and bring to class.

Homework problems will be posted online on Fridays. Your solutions will be due one week later, at the beginning of your discussion section. You may work on homework problems in groups, but you should write up the solutions yourself. Late homework will not be accepted. Sample solutions will be posted online.

Tests. Three tests will be given during regular class meetings on or around February 5, March 12 and April 16. There will be a comprehensive final on May 18, 9-12. During tests you may use the lecture notes provided by the instructor and any notes that you made during the semester, but you should not use any books or Internet materials, nor any notes written by others. There will be no make-up tests. If we have made a mistake in grading your test then you should send your TA an e-mail message describing the problem within a week after we return the graded work to the class.

Grading: homework 10% (the lowest score will be dropped), tests 20% each, final 30%.

Lecture Notes

Homework Assignments, Exercises, and Tests