Project Writeup
Project name:
Team members:
Your project writeup should be a few pages of hardcopy, turned in at the start of class. Please clearly explain the following.
- Report the title of your app and a one or two line description
- Why is your app worthwhile?
- List the iOS APIs your app uses. Be sensible. For example, you can say UITableView, you don't need to be more detailed than that. But if you do some fancy TableView with CoreData, you can provide that detail.
- List all third party libraries you use, and what they do for your app (each in their own paragraph). Describe briefly what was good and/or challenging about using them.
- List all third party services you use, and what they do for your app (each in their own paragraph). Describe briefly what was good and/or challenging about using them.
- Discuss the most important or interesting thing you learned doing your project.
- Discuss the most difficult challenge you overcame and/or your most interesting debugging story.
- Report the count of lines of code in your project. Use cloc ( to count the lines. Please report both the number of code lines and the number of comment lines. Please break down the line count into important modules, but do not include third party libraries. But for example, you should probably break out code you wrote to interface with a particular service, or you should break out any automatically generated code. Put the code line report in a table.
- Tell us how to build and run your project. Include details about how to set up back end services (if you use them). If these instructions become ridiculously complex, you can skip details.
Your project will also include a short presentation and demo in class.
Groups must split talking time equally among all members.