CS391R Course Project Reports


This website displays the list of course projects done by students of CS391R at UT Austin in the past years. Some projects are requested to remain private or only reveal the project titles. Here shows 16 of the 49 projects from the offerings of 2020 and 2021.

Fall 2021

Autonomous Pong Robot
Carlos Cuartas
Intent-Aware Motion Prediction with Goal Transformer
Alex Tsolovikos

Fall 2020

Simulating Throwing as a Robotic Manipulation Task
Sung Yeon Choi
MRIDM: Multi-Trajectory Reinforced Inverse Dynamics Modeling
Caroline Wang
Center-based 3D Object Detection and Tracking
Tianwei Yin
Learning to Use Offline Lidar Point Clouds for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
Bo Sun