Gene Moo Lee, Huiya Liu, Young Yoon and Yin Zhang
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712, USA
Sketch is a sublinear space data structure that allows one to approximately reconstruct the value associated with any given key in an input data stream. It is the basis for answering a number of fundamental queries on data streams, such as range queries, finding quantiles, frequent items, etc. In the networking context, sketch has been applied to identifying heavy hitters and changes, which is critical for traffic monitoring, accounting, and network anomaly detection.
In this paper, we propose a novel approach called lsquare to significantly improve the reconstruction accuracy of the sketch data structure. Given a sketch and a set of keys, we estimate the values associated with these keys by constructing a linear system and finding the optimal solution for the system using linear least squares method. We use a large amount of real Internet traffic data to evaluate lsquare against countmin, the state-of-the-art sketch scheme. Our results suggest that given the same memory requirement, lsquare achieves much better reconstruction accuracy than countmin. Alternatively, given the same reconstruction accuracy, lsquare requires significantly less memory. This clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach.
For many network management applications, it is essential to accurately monitor and analyze network traffic. For example, Internet service providers need to monitor the usage information in order to support usage-based pricing. Network operators need to observe the traffic pattern to perform traffic engineering. Network anomaly detection systems need to continuously monitor the traffic in order to uncover anomalous traffic patterns in near real-time, especially those caused by flash crowds, denial-of-service attacks (DoS), worms, and network element failures. These applications typically treat the traffic as a collection of flows with some properties to keep track of (e.g., volume, number of packets). The flows are typically identified by certain combination of packet header fields (e.g., IP addresses, port numbers, and protocol).
A naïve approach for network traffic measurement is to maintain state and perform analysis on a per-flow basis. However, as link speeds and the number of flows increase, keeping per-flow state can quickly become either too expensive or too slow. As a result, a lot of recent networking research efforts have been directed towards developing scalable and accurate techniques for performing traffic monitoring and analysis without keeping per-flow state (e.g., [6]). Meanwhile, computation over massive data streams has been an active research area in the database research community over the past several years. The emerging field of data stream computation deals with various aspects of computation that can be performed in a space- and time-efficient manner when each item in a data stream can be accessed only once (or a small number of times). A rich body of algorithms and techniques have been developed. A good survey of the algorithms and applications in data stream computation can be found in [11].
A particularly powerful technique is sketch [1,7,3,5], a probabilistic summary data structure proposed for analyzing massive data streams. Sketches avoid keeping per-flow state by dimensionality reduction techniques, using projections along random vectors. Sketches have some interesting properties that have proven to be very useful in analyzing data streams: they are space efficient, provide provable probabilistic reconstruction accuracy guarantees, and are linear (i.e., sketches can be combined in an arithmetical sense). These properties have made sketch the basis for answering a number of fundamental queries on data streams, such as range queries, finding quantiles and frequent items [11]. In the networking context, sketch has been successfully applied to detecting heavy hitters and changes [8,4].
A key operation on the sketch data structure is so called point estimation, i.e., to estimate the accumulated value associated with a given key. All existing methods perform point estimation for different keys separately and only have limited accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel method called lsquare to significantly improve the accuracy of point estimation on the sketch data structure. Instead of estimating values for individual keys separately, lsquare first extracts a set of keys that is a superset of all the heavy hitter flows and then simultaneously estimates the accumulated values for this set of keys - it does so by first constructing a linear system and then finding the optimal solution to the system through linear least squares method.
We use a large amount of real Internet traffic data to evaluate our method against countmin [5], the best existing sketch scheme. Our results are encouraging: Given the same memory requirement, lsquare yields much more accurate estimates than countmin; and given the same reconstruction accuracy, lsquare uses significantly less memory.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give an overview of sketch data structure, define the problem, and survey the related work. In Section 3, we describe our lsquare method for point estimation on the sketch data structure. In Section 4, we evaluate the proposed method using real Internet traffic data. We conclude in Section 5.
This section provides some background on the problem we want to solve. First, we briefly describe the underlying data stream model and the sketch data structure. Then we define the problem of point estimation on sketch and explain the existing methods to solve the problem. We will also briefly survey the related work.
be an input stream
that arrives sequentially, item by item. Here
is a key and
is the update value associated with
the key. Let
be the sum of update values for a key
Here, the update values are non-negative, meaning that
increase. This model is called the cash register model
[11]. Many applications of sketches guarantee that
counts are non-negative. However, we note that our proposed method is
also applicable to the more general Turnstile model
[11], in which update values may be negative.
Data structure:
A sketch is a two-dimensional count array (
), where
is the number of one-dimensional arrays
is the number of counts in each array. Each count of sketch
is initially set to zero. For each one-dimensional array
, there is a hash function
, where
is the size of the key space. The hash
functions are chosen uniformly at random to be pair-wise
independent. We can view the data structure as an array of hash
Update procedure:
When an update
arrives, the update value
is added
to the corresponding count
in each hash table
Heavy hitter identification:
Since the sketch data structure only records the values, not the keys,
it is a challenge to identify the heavy-valued keys among all the keys
hashed into the heavy buckets. In order to identify heavy hitters, we
can keep a priority queue to record the top hitters with values above
(as shown in [5]). An alternative is to
perform intersections among buckets with heavy counts, which is
proposed by Schweller et al. [14].
Point estimation:
Let be a sketch and
be a set of keys, which are known to be
heavy hitters. The problem of point estimation is to estimate
the total update value
for any key
. This problem is
the focus of our paper.
As proposed in [5], countmin is an existing
method to reconstruct the value for any given key. The minimum value
among all counts corresponding to the key is taken as an estimate of
the value. Formally,
Common applications of sketches include detecting heavy-hitters, finding quantiles, answering range/point queries and estimating flow size distribution [11].
Kumar et al. [9] used Expectation Maximization method to
infer the flow size distribution from an array of counters, which can
be viewed as a special case of sketch ().
Estan and Varghese [6] suggested an improved
sampling method called sample-and-hold, with which flow amount
is recorded only after individual entry for the flow is made.
They also proposed multi-stage filters for data summary, which
has the same data structure as sketch but uses a different update method
called conservative update. When an update arrives, only the
minimum valued bucket is incremented, whereas sketch increments
counters of corresponding buckets. The minimum counter of
multi-stage filter can be used for point estimation, which is similar
to the countmin approach.
Krishnamurthy et al. [8] proposed another point
estimation method for sketch, which can be used in the Turnstile data
stream model. The estimation
for a key
given as
, where
In this section, we explain the proposed lsquare method for point estimation. First, lsquare records the data flow information in a sketch. Then it constructs a linear system based on the sketch, and solves the system using linear least squares method. Below we first give a simple example and then formally describe the method.
Suppose we have a data stream from IP addresses. Let
be the total amount of traffic
for each IP. We record the flows into a sketch with
which has two hash functions
, where
denotes bitwise-XOR. The sketch is
given as:
Solution using countmin:
= min{
} = 14 and
= min{
} = 19.
Solution using lsquare:
First, we construct a linear system
the constructed sketch. Vectors
and matrix
are specified as follows.
With the constructed linear system, we find the optimal solution of
the linear system using linear least squares method:
). In
this simple example, our method clearly produces much more accurate
estimates than countmin.
Let be a sketch and
be the set of keys of our
interest. Then we have an unknown variables vector
, where
is for the value of key
is an additional variable
for noise caused by keys not in
, which is
uniformly distributed over all buckets. We construct a matrix
, showing which keys are hashed into
which buckets, and a vector
, containing values of every buckets. The elements of
are specified as follows. For
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In general is not a square matrix and may be rank deficient. In
this case, a standard solution to
is the
pseudoinverse solution
, where
the pseudoinverse (i.e., Moore-Penrose inverse [10,13]) of matrix
. It is known that
provides the shortest length least squares solution to the
system of linear equations
. More precisely,
it solves:
Under the cash register data stream model, we can further improve the
estimation accuracy by incorporating lower-bound and upper-bound
constraints into the system. Specifically, we can use 0 as a lower
bound for
and the countmin estimation as an upper
bound. The pseudo-code for the resulting algorithm is given as follows.
vector lsquare(matrix A, vector b, vector countmin) { x = pinv(A)*b; // pseudoinverse x = max(x,0); // non-negativity x = min(x,countmin); // upper bound: countmin return x; }
Note that so far we use a single variable to capture the effects
of background noise. This assumes that we do not know any keys other
than those of our direct interest. In case we do know extra keys, we
can add them to
and treat the corresponding
additional noise variables. We will show in
Section 4.3 that the use of additional noise
variables significantly improves the accuracy of lsquare.
In this section we evaluate our lsquare method on two Internet trace data sets. Our results suggest that lsquare generally produces more accurate estimates than countmin. Even better accuracy can be achieved through the use of additional noise variables. In addition, the accuracy of lsquare degrades gracefully when less memory is available.
The Internet traffic data used in our evaluation is collected by
National Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR) [12].
We choose two sets of data: BELL-02 [2] and TERA-04
[15]. Brief information of the data sets is given in
Table 2. Figure 1 shows the
traffic amount of top heavy hitters in two data sets. We can
see that the traffic distributions are highly skewed.
We use a relative error metric to evaluate the estimation.
When evaluating an estimate for a specific key , we use
We first compare the accuracy of lsquare and countmin
when a single variable is used to capture the background noise
(caused by keys not in
). As a preliminary experiment, we calculate
the estimation errors for top 50 heavy hitters using the two methods,
(Figure 2). We observe
that the accuracy of countmin fluctuates depending on the
data sets, whereas lsquare consistently gives more stable and
accurate estimates.
We next demonstrate that better accuracy can be achieved when we use
more variables to capture the noise effects. In
Figure 3 we evaluate the accuracy of lsquare
with a varying number of noise variables. For each data set, we
calculate the estimation errors of top heavy hitters in three
cases. In the case of experiment ``
-lsquare'', just one
noise variable
is used. Then top
hitters are
considered as noise variables (in addition to
) in experiment
-lsquare'', and top
hitters in experiment
-lsquare.'' As more noise variables are used,
lsquare becomes more stable and accurate. In particular,
lsquare has almost no errors in the case of
In addition, lsquare produces accurate estimates even for ``light'' hitters. In Figure 4, we calculate the estimation errors for top 200 hitters. In BELL-02 data set, lsquare shows relatively accurate estimation for top 160 hitters, where countmin is only good for top 40 hitters. We observe bigger accuracy difference between the two methods in TERA-04 data set: lsquare still has accurate estimation for top 170 hitters but countmin has good performance only for top 20 hitters. Moreover, the accuracy of countmin for light hitters is significantly lower.
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We now evaluate the accuracy of countmin and lsquare under the constraint of limited memory. Since a sketch is usually located within an expensive memory SRAM for high-speed traffic monitoring, it is desirable to have accurate point estimates even if we reduce the size of the sketch.
First, we fix the number of buckets in a hash table to be
and vary the number of hash tables
. Next, we vary
with fixed
. In Figure 5 and 6, we
calculate the average error of the two methods for each sketch
configuration. We can see clearly that the accuracy of lsquare
degrades gracefully as the sketch gets smaller, whereas
countmin gives inaccurate estimates in memory-limited
To make the experiment more reliable regardless of the sketch
configuration, we find the optimal combination for countmin in
the given memory size after trying various combinations of and
. Within the configuration where countmin shows the best
accuracy, we evaluate the accuracy of lsquare. Once again, we
observe better accuracy of the proposed method
(Figure 7).
We have implemented our lsquare method in Matlab. The most
time-consuming process in our method is solving the linear system
. We make a preliminary evaluation regarding
the time performance of our implementation using a Pentium3-733MHz
machine with 128 MBytes memory, operated by Linux Debian 3.0. In this
experiment, we use a fixed sketch configuration (H=4, K=1024) and vary
the number of heavy hitters we want to estimate. The results in
Figure 8 show that the linear program solver can compute point
estimations of 100 heavy hitters in about 2 seconds in the given
configuration. We note that our current Matlab implementation has not
been fully optimized and there is considerable room for further
speedup. For example, we can replace the pseudoinverse function pinv with an iterative least-squares solver such as lsqr to
take advantage of the sparsity of matrix
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In this paper, we propose a new approach for point estimation on sketches. Using extensive experiments with real Internet data sets, we show that the proposed method lsquare is much more accurate than the best existing method countmin. lsquare achieves good reconstruction accuracy for both heavy and light hitters, at the expense of modest computation. Moreover, we have shown that the accuracy of lsquare degrades gracefully as memory decreases. To achieve accuracy comparable to countmin, lsquare in general requires much less memory.
This paper represents an early example on how traditional statistical inference techniques can be applied in the data stream context to infer characteristics of the input stream. Existing research on data stream computation so far has mainly focused on developing techniques that provide provable worst-case accuracy guarantees. Statistical inference techniques in contrast often pay more attention to properties like likelihood, unbiasedness, estimation variance etc. While these inference techniques may not provide any worst-case accuracy guarantees, they often perform very well on practical problems. In our future work, we plan to further explore how statistical inference techniques can be applied to data stream computation.
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