
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), Best Paper, 2018.

;login: The Usenix Magazine Summer 2017, Vol. 42, No.2, 2017.

GPGPU-10, 2017.

The 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI), Jay Lepreau Best Paper, 2016.



  • Mozilla Research, Summer 2017
  • Google, Summer 2016
  • Google, Summer 2015
  • Foursquare, Summer 2013


@ University of Texas at Austin:

  • CS 373 Software Engineering (Fall 2018)
  • CS 380L Advanced Operating Systems (Spring 2017)
  • CS 371M Mobile Computing (Fall 2016, Spring 2018)
  • CS 439 Principles of Computer Systems (Fall 2014)

@ University of Washington, Seattle:

  • CSE 374: Intermediate Programming Concepts and Tools
  • CSE 373: Data Structures and Algorithms


Motivation DOM is the API that allows JavaScript to interact with HTML documents. The object that is a part of the DOM API is usually implemented as heap allocated C++/Rust object for most browsers. For JavaScript to interact with these objects, it needs to go through a wrapper called a reflector that gives JavaScript code access to the DOM object. For example, the DOM objects and reflectors on Servo is shown in Figure 1.