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Faculty Recruiting

We are recruiting in all areas. We especially invite groups of faculty that would like to continue a collaboration, or to establish one. But, all candidates with a passion for research and teaching and the ambition to change the world are encouraged to apply.

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The Computer Science Ambassadors are current CS majors who meet with prospective students who are interested in pursuing a degree in computer science at the University of Texas at Austin.

Texas Robotics

Researchers from across multiple top-ten departments at UT Austin work to advance the capability of robotics in numerous application areas, including: social, surgical, rehabilitation, vehicles, drilling, manufacturing, space, nuclear, and defense.

Machine Learning Laboratory

Machine Learning Laboratory at UT Austin is the focal point of machine learning research on campus, featuring a community of over 100 researchers across various disciplines, including: computer scientists, engineers, linguists, ethicists, and mathematicians.

AI Brain Decoder Moves Closer to Real-World Use for People With Aphasia

UT Austin researchers have improved their AI-powered brain decoder, allowing it to translate thoughts into continuous text with just one hour of training—far less than the original 16-hour process. This advancement makes the technology more accessible, particularly for individuals with aphasia, by enabling communication without requiring spoken language comprehension.