Final Defense
Each student writes a dissertation that describes original research and submits it to the members of the dissertation committee. There are many resources available to assist in writing a dissertation. The student will then give a public presentation of the dissertation research. This is called the defense. When the committee is satisfied with the dissertation (there are usually some rewrites), they will inform the Graduate School. This is done by submitting the ‘Report of Dissertation Committee’ (formerly known as the ‘gold’ form) signed by all committee members present at the defense. The ‘Report of Dissertation Committee’ form is sent to the research supervisor before the defense.
A note about multi-authored work: Effective Fall 2021, students who choose to include multi-authored content are required to obtain the permission of all co-authors. The student’s supervising committee will be responsible for identifying and ensuring that written permission from all co-authors has been obtained when certifying approval of the document to the Graduate School. Signatures from all co-authors should be collected on the "Co-author Permission Form" found in the forms bank.
First 12 class days
Verify your registration in _99W. You are expected to be in the W section of dissertation the semester you defend.
6 weeks prior to defense
Any changes to your committee must be made no later then 6 weeks prior to defense. All members of the committee should agree to the committee change. Please send their agreement to the graduate adviser and copy the CS graduate program coordinator. Be sure you ask the committee member(s) being replaced to send an email to the graduate adviser with a cc to the CS graduate program coordinator stating their wish to withdraw from the committee. Download the form from the graduate school web site. It can be found on the forms page - - under Doctoral Forms. It's called 'petition for a change in doctoral committee’ and it's a writable pdf. When you've obtained your committee supervisor's signature, bring it to the graduate office and it will be submitted for the graduate adviser’s signature.
4 weeks prior
All committee members should have a copy of your dissertation.
3 weeks prior
All committee members sign the Graduate School form here: Request for Final Oral Examination. Each member's signature, or the proxy signature of the research supervisor for the member, is an agreement that (1) the student is ready to defend the research and (2) the member will read the dissertation prior to the defense. It is expected that all members of the committee attend the defense, either in person or via teleconference. If one non-supervisory committee member is unable to attend the defense, there is a pre-typed section on the 2nd page of the Request for Final Oral Examination form, which may be used. Lastly, please bring the form to the CS graduate office so the graduate adviser's signature can be obtained and the form returned to you. You must submit the form to the Graduate School at least 2 weeks before your defense date. After submitting the form, please send your PhD oral defense announcement to the CS graduate office so the defense can be announced to the department.
The Defense
It is expected that all members of the committee attend the defense, either in person or via teleconference. If one non-supervisory committee member is unable to attend the defense, that should be noted when filling out the Request for Final Oral Examination form prior to the defense. If you think it is impossible to schedule the defense so that your committee members are physically or virtually present, please contact the CS graduate program coordinator.
Your supervisor should bring your 'Report of Dissertation Committee’ form to the defense. Following your defense, you can bring the form (signed by your committee members) to the CS Graduate Office for the GSC representative's signature.
Deadlines & Dissertation Submission Instructions
Multi-authored work: Effective Fall 2021, students who choose to include multi-authored content are required to obtain the permission of all co-authors. The student’s supervising committee will be responsible for identifying and ensuring that written permission from all co-authors has been obtained when certifying approval of the document to the Graduate School. Signatures from all co-authors should be collected on the Co-author Permission Form found in the forms bank. This form should be submitted to the Graduate School along with your Report of Dissertation Committee form.
COVID-19 Update: Please visit the following link for instructions how to electronically submit materials to the Graduate School -
Students must schedule their defense and submit their dissertation and final paperwork to the Graduate School by the posted deadlines. Deadlines and submission instructions are posted at
IMPORTANT: Students are required to file to graduate via an electronic form during the semester they plan to graduate. All forms can be filled out on the web, then downloaded and printed. Look in the Doctoral section of this web site for "forms".
Any student not graduating in the semester they defend must notify the graduate office before the last class day of that semester.