to Computer Graphics
Computer Science Department
University of Texas at Austin
Fall 1999
Recommended Book
"Interactive Computer Graphics" by Edward Angel, Addison-Wesly, latest
edition., Chapters 1-10
- The four programming assignments, each of equal weight, have a
programming part (80%) and a written part (20%). The programming part will be graded on
corrections (50%), efficiency (20%), programming style (15%) and elegance of user
interface (10%). In addition, creativity and superior rendering effects will be rewarded
- Each programming assignment should be completed on time. To allow for
unforeseeable circumstances you will be allowed 8 days grace during the semester. You can
either be late 4 days on one assignment, or 3 days on one and one day on another, etc..
Beyond this, late turn ins will be penalized by 5% of the value per day they are late.
- The final grade will be compiled from the midterm exam (15%) , final exam
(20%), 4 programming assignments (60%) and two written exercise assignment (5%) containing
sample exam questions.
CS 354 Course Outline
This course provides a top down and stepwise refinement introduction to
computer graphics as well as lays the foundation for a graduate course in computer
graphics and data visualization. There is a choice of both breadth and depth in the
intertwined topics of graphic, computational geometry, geometric modeling and data
List of Lectures
August 25 |
Description of Course Syllabus, grading etc., brief intro to VRML |
August 30 |
computer graphics, rendering
pipeline, Clipping |
September 1 |
Clipping, Rasterization |
September 8 |
Geometric Spaces and Operations (Project 1 is posted) |
September 13 |
Projective Geometry, Transformations |
September 15 |
Viewing Systems I (also OpenGl api) |
September 20 |
Viewing Systems II (user interfaces, GLUT, Tcl/Tk) |
September 22 |
Viewing Systems III (3d rotations, quaternions) |
September 27 |
Object Representations I (shape, coordinates,equations) |
September 29 |
Object Representations II(implicit/parametric/splines) |
October 4 |
Object Representations III(recursive subdivision) |
October 6 |
Part1 Object Representations IV(subdivision surfaces, fractals) [Project 2 is posted] |
October 11 |
Midterm Review (questions) |
October 13 |
Reflection of Illumination I |
October 18 |
Reflection of Illumination II |
October 20 |
Reflection of Illumination III |
October 25 |
Review Ques/Answers |
October 27 |
MIDTERM in class |
November 1 |
Visibility Algorithms I |
November 3 |
Visibility Algorithms II |
November 8 |
Ray Tracing |
November 10 |
Intersection,Volume Rendering |
November 15 |
Image Compositing |
November 17 |
Bumps and Textures |
November 22 |
Animation I |
November 24 |
Thanksgiving |
November 29 |
Animation II |
December 1 |
FINALS in class |