PhyloLab Whole Genome Page
Phylogeny Reconstruction from Gene Order Data
The genomes of some organisms have a
single chromosome or contain single-chromosome organelles (such as mitochondria
or chloroplasts) whose evolution is largely independent of the evolution
of the nuclear genome for these organisms. Many single-chromosome
organisms and organelles have circular chromosomes. Given a particular
strand from a single chromosome, whether linear or circular, we can infer
the ordering of the genes, along with directionality of the genes, thus
representing each chromosome by an ordering (linear or circular) of signed
genes. Note that picking the complementary strand produces a different
ordering, in which the genes appear in the reverse direction and reverse
order. The evolutionary process that operates on the chromosome can thus
be seen as a transformation of signed orderings of genes.
Tandy Warnow,
Department of Computer Sciences, UT-Austin
Robert Jansen,
Section of Integrative Biology, School of Biological Sciences, UT-Austin
Linda Raubeson, Reed College, Portland, OR
Bernard Moret,
EPFL, Switzerland
David Bader, Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
Li-San Wang, Ph.d student,
Department of Computer Sciences, UT-Austin
GRAPPA: Genome Rearrangement Analysis under Parsimony and other Phylogenetic
Algorithms download
the software
Moret, B.M.E., Wang, L.-S., Warnow, T., and Wyman, S., ``New approaches
for reconstructing phylogenies based on gene order,'' submitted to 9th
Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology ISMB-2001 ps or pdf.
Moret, B.M.E., Bader, D.A., and Warnow, T., ``High-performance algorithm
engineering in computational phylogeny,'' Proc. Int'l Conf. Computational
Science 2001 (invited)
Bader, D.A., Moret, B.M.E., Warnow, T., Wyman, S.K., and Yan, M., ``High-performance
algorithm engineering for gene-order phylogenies,'' DIMACS Workshop on
Whole Genome Comparison, Rutgers U., 2001. ps or pdf.
Moret, B.M.E., Wyman, S., Bader, D.A., Warnow, T., and Yan, M., ``A detailed
study of breakpoint analysis,'' Proc. 6th Pacific Symp. Biocomputing PSB
2001, Hawaii, World Scientific Pub. (2001), 583--594. ps or pdf.
Cosner, M.E., Jansen, R.K., Moret, B.M.E., Raubeson, L.A., Wang, L.S.,
Warnow, T., and Wyman, S., ``An empirical comparison of phylogenetic methods
on chloroplast gene order data in Campanulaceae,'' Proc. Gene Order Dynamics,
Comparative Maps, and Multigene Families DCAF-2000, Montreal (2000), in
Comparative Genomics: Empirical and Analytical Approaches to Gene Order
Dynamics, Map Alignment, and the Evolution of Gene Families, D. Sankoff
and J. Nadeau, eds., Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht (2000), 99--121. ps or pdf.
Cosner, M.E., Jansen, R.K., Moret, B.M.E., Raubeson, L.A., Wang, L.S.,
Warnow, T., and Wyman, S., ``A new fast heuristic for computing the breakpoint
phylogeny and a phylogenetic analysis of a group of highly rearranged chloroplast
genomes,'' Proc. 8th Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
ISMB-2000, San Diego (2000), 104--115. ps or pdf.
Li-San Wang and Tandy Warnow,``Estimating true evolutionary distances
between genomes,'' To appear in the Proceedings of the Thirty-Third
Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC'01), Crete, Greece
ps or
Li-San Wang and Tandy Warnow, ``New polynomial time methods for whole genome
phylogeny reconstruction,'' presented at the DIMACS Whole Genome Comparison
Workshop, Piscataway, NJ, Feb. 28 - Mar. 2 (2001).