Chandrajit Bajaj
Left image shows an Iso-surface Rendering of the Haloarcula Marismortui Large Ribosomal 50S subunit (1JJ2) crystal structure(cf. Klein, Schmeing, Moore, Steitz) and based on protein and RNA classification. Light Yellow and Pale Pink are the 5S and 23S Rrna while the remaining colors are proteins.

Additional images and movie for models of ribosomal structures

Research Interests

Actionable Intelligence, Machine Learning ,Computational Biology, Imaging Sciences, Computational Geometry, Geometric Modeling and Optimization, Computer Graphics, Compression, Mesh Generation, Scientific Computation, and Visualization


My current research is on the computer science and computational mathematics foundations of statistical and dynamic decision making, learning dynamical systems and exploratory visualization. I develop machine learning and geometric optimization algorithms for applications in the physical, chemical, health and environmental data sciences, medicine and neuro-morphic computing. I also revisit my past research in modeling multi-scale form and function, through the lens of inferential data sciences,. My current research projects include (a) forward and inverse optimization problems in microscopy, spectroscopy, electro-magnetic and electro-optical wide spectrum imaging; (b) generative shape and new material design for spatially realistic and phenomenological models; (c) learning from nature and generating models and mechanisms with accelerated and emergent properties. I teach an undergraduate course titled "Geometric Foundations of Data Sciences" and a graduate course titled "Predictive Machine Learning". See Teaching . I have a core appointment in the Oden Institute as the Director of the Center for Computational Visualization (CVC and supervise Oden Institute CAM / CSEM M.S./Ph.`D students. I also hold courtesy appointments and supervise undergraduates, M.S. and Ph.D. students from several UT departments, including biomedical and electrical engineering, neuroscience, and mathematics.

The following is a link to my Current Research Projects.


My research is currently sponsored by grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

My research publications are available here, as is my Curriculum Vitae. Click here for Google Scholar Citations