This site is built using Astro.js. Astro.js was selected due to it’s robustness. While it is fast and content-oriented, there exist many other frameworks that can achieve competitive rendering speeds. The defining feature of Astro.js is its component island and capability to render server-side, allowing for integration of other dynamic-logic frameworks without a compromise in speed. Though this is not a feature I currently require, I foresee its future utility for implementing components such as a comments section or a newsletter signup.
Styling is done using Tailwind.css, rather than CSS, as many of the features involved in styling using CSS can be easily encapsulated. While there are other frameworks that are effective at creating high level abstractions of CSS, Tailwind was chosen due to it’s simplicity and speed when rendering.
This site was primarily modeled after Gwern’s site. I use system-default fonts for this website for ease of access. My goal was to make my site aesthetically pleasing while using system-default fonts. For this reason, titles are lowercase in Serif fonts while text in Sans fonts utilize uppercase and lowercase letters.