nao kickoff

UT Austin Villa

RoboCup@Home DSPL Team

The UT Austin Villa@Home team competes in the RoboCup@Home Domestic Standard Platform League using the Toyota Human Support Robot. The league aims to develop domestic service robot technology and evaluates performance in a set of benchmark tests in a realistic home environment.
The Human Support Robot (HSR).

The team is a collaboration between PIs and students in the Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering departments at the University of Texas at Austin. Over the past three years, we have constructed a framework intended to act as a comprehensive domestic service robot system, spanning multiple robot platforms. As instantiated in RoboCup@Home, our goal is to develop a single system which competes in every round, rather than a suite of software tailored to each round. In the realization of this goal, we have ported our RoboCup@Home code back to the Building-Wide Intelligence (BWI) infrastructure. As instantiated in BWI, the goal of this project is to deploy a service robot in our computer science department which responds to the day-to-day needs of the building's occupants, and is considered a part of the fabric of our department.

Relevant publications


During our participation in the RoboCup@Home SPL, we are committed to continuing our strong tradition of contributing open source code to the community.

Team Members

Additionally, we will be recruiting students from the Freshman Research Initiative Autonomous Intelligent Robotics stream.

Previous participation in RoboCup


Getting ready for test, RoboCup 2019 in Sydney, Australia
Posing in the arena, RoboCup 2018 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Working on robot setup, RoboCup 2018 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Excited to watch our GPSR run, RoboCup 2018 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Receiving our third place trophy at RoboCup 2017 in Nagoya, Japan
Our third place trophy from RoboCup 2017
The Nagoya crew at RoboCup 2017
Segway at Robocup @Home 2007
Segway in Robocup @Home 2007 Final
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