
RoboCup 2009

Standard Platform League

Overall place: 4th

Round Robin One

TT-UT Austin Villa vs. SPQR
Score: 2-0.
TT-UT Austin Villa vs. NTU Robot PAL
Score: 0-0.

Round Robin Two

TT-UT Austin Villa vs. B-Human
Score: 0-9.
TT-UT Austin Villa vs. Team Chaos
Score: 2-0.
TT-UT Austin Villa vs. Burst
Score: 2-0.

Quarter Final

TT-UT Austin Villa vs. Austrian Kangaroos
Score: 2-0.

Semi Final

TT-UT Austin Villa vs. B-Human
Score: 0-7.

Quarter Final

TT-UT Austin Villa vs. Nao Devils
Score: 1-4.

2009 RoboCup Highlights

Highlights of TT-UT Austin Villa at the 2009 RoboCup Standard Platform League. TT-UT Austin Villa finished in 4th place, losing to only two teams during the tournament.

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