RoboCup 2004 Uniform Change

Continuous Area Sweeping: A Task Definition and Initial Approach

Continuous Area Sweeping: A Task Definition and Initial Approach.
Mazda Ahmadi and Peter Stone.
In The 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, July 2005.
Some videos of the robot referenced in the paper.
ICAR 2005


[PDF]186.7kB  [postscript]243.1kB  


As mobile robots become increasingly autonomous over extended periods of time, opportunities arise for their use on repetitive tasks. We define and implement behaviors for a class of such tasks that we call continuous area sweeping tasks. A continuous area sweeping task is one in which a robot (or group of robots) must repeatedly visit all points in a fixed area, possibly with non-uniform frequency, as specified by a task-dependent performance criterion. Examples of problems that need continuous area sweeping are trash removal in a large building and routine surveillance. We present a formulation for this problem and an initial algorithm to address it. The approach is analyzed analytically and is fully implemented and tested, both in simulation and on a physical robot.

BibTeX Entry

author="Mazda Ahmadi and Peter Stone",
title="Continuous Area Sweeping: A Task Definition and Initial Approach",
booktitle="The 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics",
As mobile robots become increasingly autonomous over
extended periods of time, opportunities arise for
their use on repetitive tasks. We define and
implement behaviors for a class of such tasks that we
call \emph{continuous area sweeping} tasks. A
continuous area sweeping task is one in which a robot
(or group of robots) must repeatedly visit all points
in a fixed area, possibly with non-uniform frequency,
as specified by a task-dependent performance
criterion. Examples of problems that need continuous
area sweeping are trash removal in a large building
and routine surveillance. We present a formulation
for this problem and an initial algorithm to address
it. The approach is analyzed analytically and is
fully implemented and tested, both in simulation and
on a physical robot.

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