Class SimpleSupplyManager

  extended by SimpleSupplyManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleSupplyManager
extends java.lang.Object
implements InterfaceSupplyManager

A very simple supply manager.

Field Summary
(package private) static int inventoryGoal
(package private) static int maxDays
(package private) static int numComponents
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void respondToSupplierOffers(GameSettings settings, DailyInfo dayInfo, AgentInfo agentInfo, DailyActions actions)
          Responds to offers from suppliers by accepting all of them.
 void sendRFQsToSuppliers(GameSettings settings, DailyInfo dayInfo, AgentInfo agentInfo, DailyActions actions)
          Sends RFQs to suppliers for needed components.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


static final int numComponents
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int inventoryGoal
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int maxDays
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SimpleSupplyManager()
Method Detail


public void sendRFQsToSuppliers(GameSettings settings,
                                DailyInfo dayInfo,
                                AgentInfo agentInfo,
                                DailyActions actions)
Sends RFQs to suppliers for needed components. For each component, enough components are requested to bring the projected inventory at the end of ten days to a certain level. Projected inventory equals expected deliveries plus current inventory minus projected use. The due date and supplier are chosen based on what is expected to be cheapest. Dates between 6 and 10 days in the future are considered. Zero-quantity RFQs are sent for those supplier-date pairs not chosen to improve predictions. On the first day of the game, a fixed set of RFQs is sent.

Specified by:
sendRFQsToSuppliers in interface InterfaceSupplyManager


public void respondToSupplierOffers(GameSettings settings,
                                    DailyInfo dayInfo,
                                    AgentInfo agentInfo,
                                    DailyActions actions)
Responds to offers from suppliers by accepting all of them. In the case of alternative offers, the partial offer is accepted.

Specified by:
respondToSupplierOffers in interface InterfaceSupplyManager