Class CrashTestDummy

  extended by aim4.driver.Driver
      extended by aim4.driver.CrashTestDummy
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CrashTestDummy
extends Driver

A driver agent that only steers and changes lanes when appropriate.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class aim4.driver.Driver
currentLane, currentlyOccupiedLanes
Constructor Summary
CrashTestDummy(AutoVehicleDriverView vehicle, Lane arrivalLane, Lane departureLane)
          Construct a new CrashTestDummy to pilot the simulated vehicle across an intersection.
Method Summary
 void act()
          Take steering actions to guide a test vehicle through a simulated traversal of the intersection.
 double calculateTraversingLaneChangeDistance()
          Determine the distance at which to change lanes during the traversing inside an intersection.
 AutoVehicleDriverView getVehicle()
          Get the Vehicle this driver agent is controlling.
Methods inherited from class aim4.driver.Driver
addCurrentlyOccupiedLane, distanceFromPrevIntersection, distanceToNextIntersection, getCurrentLane, getCurrentlyOccupiedLanes, getDestination, getSpawnPoint, nextIntersectionManager, setCurrentLane, setDestination, setSpawnPoint
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CrashTestDummy(AutoVehicleDriverView vehicle,
                      Lane arrivalLane,
                      Lane departureLane)
Construct a new CrashTestDummy to pilot the simulated vehicle across an intersection.

vehicle - the simulated vehicle to pilot
arrivalLane - the Lane in which the vehicle should enter the intersection
departureLane - the Lane in which the vehicle should depart the intersection
Method Detail


public void act()
Take steering actions to guide a test vehicle through a simulated traversal of the intersection.

Specified by:
act in interface DriverSimView
act in class Driver


public AutoVehicleDriverView getVehicle()
Get the Vehicle this driver agent is controlling.

Specified by:
getVehicle in interface DriverSimView
Specified by:
getVehicle in class Driver
the Vehicle this driver agent is controlling


public double calculateTraversingLaneChangeDistance()
Determine the distance at which to change lanes during the traversing inside an intersection. Currently just multiplies the TRAVERSING_LANE_CHANGE_LEAD_TIME by the reading from the Vehicle's speedometer.

the distance at which the Driver should turn the Vehicle into the lane to which it is changing

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