Class DriverUtil

  extended by aim4.driver.DriverUtil

public class DriverUtil
extends Object

A utility class for drivers.

Field Summary
static double DEFAULT_LEAD_TIME
          The default amount of lead time for lane following, in seconds.
static double MIN_LEAD_DIST
          The constant term in the formula of calculating lead distances.
Method Summary
static double calculateMaxFeasibleVelocity(VehicleDriverView vehicle)
          Determine the maximum velocity at which the Vehicle should travel given the Lane in which it is.
static double getLeadDistance(VehicleDriverView vehicle)
          Get the estimated lead distance, which is roughly equal to the speed of the vehicle times the default lead time.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final double DEFAULT_LEAD_TIME
The default amount of lead time for lane following, in seconds. The lead time indicates how far along the Lane from the point nearest to the Vehicle's current location the Vehicle should aim. By default, lead distance = DEFAULT_LEAD_TIME * velocity + MIN_LEAD_DIST. 0.4 seconds.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double MIN_LEAD_DIST
The constant term in the formula of calculating lead distances. It is the minimum possible lead distance. By default, lead distance = leadTime * velocity + MIN_LEAD_DIST. 0.2 meters.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static double getLeadDistance(VehicleDriverView vehicle)
Get the estimated lead distance, which is roughly equal to the speed of the vehicle times the default lead time.

the lead distance


public static double calculateMaxFeasibleVelocity(VehicleDriverView vehicle)
Determine the maximum velocity at which the Vehicle should travel given the Lane in which it is.

vehicle - the vehicle
the maximum velocity at which the Vehicle should travel given the Lane in which it is

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