Class Reject

  extended by aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
      extended by aim4.msg.i2v.Reject

public class Reject
extends I2VMessage

Message sent from an Intersection Manager to a Vehicle to reject a reservation request.

Nested Class Summary
static class Reject.Reason
          Some of the possible reasons that a vehicle may have a reservation rejected.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
messageType, size
Constructor Summary
Reject(int sourceID, int destinationID, int requestId, double nextAllowedCommunication, Reject.Reason reason)
          Constructor with specific reason for rejection and limit on when the next acceptable transmission is.
Method Summary
 double getNextAllowedCommunication()
          Get the time after which communication will again be accepted by the IntersectionManager.
 Reject.Reason getReason()
          Get the reason that this Reject message was sent.
 int getRequestId()
          Get the request ID of the request message this reject message correspond to.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class aim4.msg.i2v.I2VMessage
getImId, getMessageType, getSize, getVin
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Reject(int sourceID,
              int destinationID,
              int requestId,
              double nextAllowedCommunication,
              Reject.Reason reason)
Constructor with specific reason for rejection and limit on when the next acceptable transmission is.

sourceID - the ID number of the IntersectionManager sending this message
destinationID - the ID number of the Vehicle to which this message is being sent
requestId - the request id of the request message this reject message corresponds to
nextAllowedCommunication - the time after which communication will accepted by the IntersectionManager
reason - the reason this Reject message is being sent
Method Detail


public int getRequestId()
Get the request ID of the request message this reject message correspond to.

the id of the request message.


public double getNextAllowedCommunication()
Get the time after which communication will again be accepted by the IntersectionManager.

the time after which communication will be accepted by the IntersectionManager


public Reject.Reason getReason()
Get the reason that this Reject message was sent.

the reason this Reject message was sent


public String toString()

toString in class Object

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