Package aim4.msg.v2i

This package contains the implementation of the V2I messages in the AIM protocol.


Class Summary
Away Message sent from a Vehicle to an Intersection Manager to inform it that it has exited the Admission Control Zone.
Cancel Message sent from a Vehicle to an Intersection Manager to cancel a reservation.
Done Message sent from a Vehicle to an Intersection Manager to inform it that it has completed its reservation.
Request Message sent from a Vehicle to an Intersection Manager to request a reservation.
Request.Proposal A proposal
Request.VehicleSpecForRequestMsg The specification of the vehicle.
V2IMessage A message sent from a Vehicle to an Intersection Manager.

Enum Summary
V2IMessage.Type The different types of Vehicle to Intersection Manager messages.

Package aim4.msg.v2i Description

This package contains the implementation of the V2I messages in the AIM protocol.

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