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3D Structure

We've provided you with chicken wire, coathangers, and other materials you could use to create a 3D structure. Using those materials, you could sculpt almost anything!

Happy Sculpting!


Dancing Lights

One possible use of your lights is to program them to "dance" to music. To do so, you would need to choose a piece of music and then time the light pattern to fit with that music. (Be sure to follow the rules of the showcase!)

As an example, these lights are dancing to Axel F.

A few notes:

Happy Dancing!


Displaying a Message

You could also program the lights to display a message. To do this task, you would need to choose a phrase and then program your lights to write letters to spell out that phrase. (Be sure to follow the rules of the showcase!)

As an example, these lights are flashing a message.

Happy Texting!