Molecular World Navigation
Final Reports
Useful Links
1. Building Static Objects
2. Building a Scene + Guidemap
3. Building Dynamic Objects
4. Fast Interactive Browsing + Use of Guidemap for Controlled Tour
5. Multi-Tiled Display
Molecules with primary and secondary structure generation and display(HIV1,RNAP,1A02,gramicidin), PDB data are provided by Protein Data Bank. Images are rendered by MolScript.
1. Building Static Objects
Participants : Shubing Wang, Yufeng Zhang, Somart Niyogi
(1) CPK
(2) Solvent Accessible Surface
(3) Solvent Excluded Surface
(4) Isocontour of Electrostatic Potentials ( Dataset )
X. Zhang, C. Bajaj, W. Blanke
Scalable Isosurface Visualization of Massive Datasets on COTS-Cluster
Proc. of IEEE 2001 Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and
Graphics, pg. 51-58, San Diego, CA, 2001 (pdf)
C. Bajaj, H.Y. Lee, R. Merkert, V. Pascucci
NURBS based B-rep Models from Macromolecules and their Properties,
In Proceedings Fourth Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications,
Atlanta,Georgia, 1997,C. Hoffmann and W. Bronsvort Eds., ACM Press. pp. 217-228
Software : MolViewer, VoroComp , Parallel Isocontouring
2. Building a Scene + Guidemap
Participants : Matt Anderson(Python)
3. Building Dynamic Objects
Participants : Dave Harding , Sadia Malik
4.Fast Interactive Browsing + Use of Guidemap for Controlled Tour
Participants : Bong-Soo Sohn , Russell Gayle
Shapes are synthesized as a set of balls for simplification
Topology is preserved
Consistent Embedding is guaranteed
5. Multi-Tiled Display
Participants : Ben Kirk, Sangmin Park, Matt Anderson
(A) Chromium : interactive rendering system running on a cluster of workstations
Greg Humphreys, Matthew Eldridge, Ian Buck, Gordon Stoll, Matthew Everett and Pat Hanrahan
WireGL : A Scalable Graphics System for Clusters
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2001 (pdf)
(B) Performer : high level OpenGL library maximizing graphics performance
(C) Perfly (Performer Fly-through) : a visual simulation program with terrain follwing, eye-tracking.
(D) Viz Lab Back Project Screen (5 * 2) driven by alpha1-10( PC cluster)