Fall 2008
Chandrajit Bajaj | Suzanne Bailey | Stan Volchenok |
ACES 2.324A | ACES 2.324 | Taylor Basement Lab. |
bajaj@cs.utexas.edu | suzanne@ices.utexas.edu | stanv@cs.utexas.edu |
(512) 471-8870 | Use Email | Use Email |
Tue 1:30p - 2:45PM, Wed 2:30p - 3:30pm |
M - F 8:00am - 5:00pm | Mon 1:45-2:45pm, Fri 12:30-2:30pm |
Recommended Book
"Interactive Computer Graphics" by Ed. Angel,
5th edition.,
This course provides a top down and stepwise
introduction to computer graphics as well as lays the foundation for a
graduate course in computer graphics and data visualization. There is a
choice of both breadth and depth in the intertwined topics of graphic,
computational geometry, geometric modeling and data visualization.
List of Lectures