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blockNode Class Reference
[The AST nodes]

Compund statement or block. More...

#include <ast.h>

Inheritance diagram for blockNode:

stmtNode Node basicblockNode List of all members.

Garbage collection.

bool mark
static node_list nodes
static map< Node *, bool > deleted_nodes

Public Member Functions

 blockNode (decl_list *decls, stmt_list *stmts, const Coord left_coord=Coord::Unknown, const Coord right_brace=Coord::Unknown)
 Create a new block.
virtual ~blockNode ()
 Destroy a blockNode.
typeNodebase_type (bool TdefIndir) const
 Return the base data type of a node.
virtual void dataflow (FlowVal *v, FlowProblem &fp)
 Run the dataflow analyzer.
virtual Nodeclone () const
 Clone the input node.
virtual void output_stmt (output_context &ct, Node *par)
 Output a statement.
virtual void output (output_context &ct, Node *par)
 Generate C code.
void output_comment (output_context &ct)
virtual typeNodetype () const
 Return the node data type.
typeNodedatatype () const
 Call base_type() with the argument true.
typeNodedatatype_superior () const
 Call base_type() with the argument false.
Methods to get and set fields in the class.

decl_listdecls ()
const decl_listdecls () const
stmt_liststmts ()
const stmt_liststmts () const
Coord right_brace () const
void right_brace (const Coord right_brace)
AST Traversal
Methods to uniformly traverse the AST. See the documentation in the Node class.

virtual void visit (Visitor *the_visitor)
 Dispatch a Visitor.
virtual void walk (Walker &the_walker)
 Dispatch a Walker.
virtual Nodechange (Changer &the_changer, bool redispatch=false)
 Dispatch a Changer.
Methods to get and set fields in the class.

string & comment ()
FlowValat_exit () const
void at_exit (FlowVal *ae)
Methods to get and set fields in the class.

NodeType typ () const
 Get the node type.
Coord coord () const
 Get the source location.
void coord (const Coord coord)
 Set the source location.
bool parenthesized () const
 Get the parenthesized boolean.
void parenthesized (bool paren)
 Set the parenthesized boolean.
annote_listannotations ()
 Get the annotations list.
FlowValgen () const
 Get the "gen" flow value.
void gen (FlowVal *g)
 Set the "gen" flow value.
FlowValkill () const
 Get the "kill" flow value.
void kill (FlowVal *k)
 Set the "kill" flow value.

Static Public Member Functions

static blockNodetoBlock (stmtNode *stmt, Coord coord)
 Convert to block.
static void report ()
 Report node count statistics.

Private Attributes

TREE decl_list _decls
 the local declarations
TREE stmt_list _stmts
 the statements
Coord _right_brace
 the location of the right curly brace

Detailed Description

Compund statement or block.

This class represents a curly-brace delimited compound statement or statement block. It generally introduces a new scope, allowing new declarations as well as code. It is used as the top-level container for procedure bodies, branch bodies, loop bodies, etc. The general form is:



The NodeType is Block.

Definition at line 4332 of file ast.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

blockNode::blockNode decl_list decls,
stmt_list stmts,
const Coord  left_coord = Coord::Unknown,
const Coord  right_brace = Coord::Unknown

Create a new block.

The new block has the given list of declarations and statements. In both bases, the actual declarations and statements are removed from the lists, and the lists are deleted. Null may be passed for either argument.

decls the list of declarations
stmts the list of statements
coord the location of the left curly brace in the source file.
coord the location of the right curly brace in the source file.

Referenced by clone().

virtual blockNode::~blockNode  )  [virtual]

Destroy a blockNode.

Do not use the destructors to delete AST nodes. Instead, rely on the node garbage collector.

Member Function Documentation

annote_list& Node::annotations  )  [inline, inherited]

Get the annotations list.

This method returns a modifiable reference to the list of annotations on the node. Users can add new annotations, search for annotations, or remove annotations. Users are responsible for ensuring that every element of the annotation list points to a valid annotation. In particular, no element should be NULL.

See also:
Annote class

Definition at line 274 of file ast.h.

References Node::_annotations.

void stmtNode::at_exit FlowVal ae  )  [inline, inherited]

Reimplemented in basicblockNode.

Definition at line 4291 of file ast.h.

References stmtNode::_at_exit.

FlowVal* stmtNode::at_exit  )  const [inline, inherited]

Reimplemented in basicblockNode.

Definition at line 4290 of file ast.h.

References stmtNode::_at_exit.

typeNode* blockNode::base_type bool  TdefIndir  )  const [virtual]

Return the base data type of a node.

This method differs from the Node::type() method in two respects. First, it follows some of the simple type inferences. For example, calling it on an idNode will return the type of its declaration. Second, the boolean argument indicates whether or not to follow typedef links.

TdefIndir pass true to follow typedefs to their definitions.

Reimplemented from Node.

virtual Node* blockNode::change Changer the_changer,
bool  redispatch = false

Dispatch a Changer.

This abstract method works much the walker, but allows the tree to be changed.

the_changer the specific Changer object to use.
redispatch pass true to revisit parts of the tree that have changed.

Implements Node.

Reimplemented in basicblockNode.

virtual Node* blockNode::clone  )  const [inline, virtual]

Clone the input node.

This is not a "deep" clone, so be careful. For a deep clone, use the ref_clone_changer class.

a shallow copy of the node (no subtrees are copied).

Implements Node.

Reimplemented in basicblockNode.

Definition at line 4449 of file ast.h.

References blockNode().

string& stmtNode::comment  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 4286 of file ast.h.

References stmtNode::_comment.

void Node::coord const Coord  coord  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the source location.

This location should indicate the position in the source text that this Node represents, or Coord::Unknown if it does not represent any node in the source text.

It is not common to set the source location of a node. Currently, only the compiler error messages actually make use of it.

coord the new location.

Definition at line 243 of file ast.h.

References Node::_coord.

Coord Node::coord  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the source location.

The Coord class holds a location in the input source (file, line, position). During parsing, each AST node created records the position of the source text that it represents. However, subsequent phases may create or change nodes, so no guarantee is given about how the source location corresponds to the original source text.

the Coord structure indicating where the node came from in the source file.

Definition at line 230 of file ast.h.

References Node::_coord.

virtual void blockNode::dataflow FlowVal v,
FlowProblem fp

Run the dataflow analyzer.

Each subclass overrides this method to define it's semantics for dataflow analysis. It alters the input flow value to reflect the effect of the node within the given flow problem, calling dataflow() on it's subtrees as necessary. See the dataflow analysis documentation for more information.

v the flow value to pass through the node.
fp the flow problem (specifying the transfer functions).

Implements Node.

typeNode* Node::datatype  )  const [inherited]

Call base_type() with the argument true.

typeNode* Node::datatype_superior  )  const [inherited]

Call base_type() with the argument false.

const decl_list& blockNode::decls  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 4418 of file ast.h.

References _decls.

decl_list& blockNode::decls  )  [inline]

Definition at line 4417 of file ast.h.

References _decls.

Referenced by UnusedDeclarationCleanupChanger::at_proc().

void Node::gen FlowVal g  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the "gen" flow value.

This value is used in dataflow analyses to store information that is generated at this node. Note that each node has exactly one "gen" flow value.

In order to set the flow value to be empty, call this method with a value of NULL.

g the new gen flow value.

Definition at line 297 of file ast.h.

References Node::_gen.

FlowVal* Node::gen  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the "gen" flow value.

This value is used in dataflow analyses to store information that is generated at this node. Note that each node has exactly one "gen" flow value.

the "gen" flow value.

Definition at line 284 of file ast.h.

References Node::_gen.

void Node::kill FlowVal k  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the "kill" flow value.

This value is used in dataflow analyses to store information that is killed at this node. Note that each node has exactly one "kill" flow value.

To set the flow value to be empty, call this method with a value of NULL.

k the new kill flow value.

Definition at line 320 of file ast.h.

References Node::_kill.

FlowVal* Node::kill  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the "kill" flow value.

This value is used in dataflow analyses to store information that is killed at this node. Note that each node has exactly one "kill" flow value.

the "kill" flow value.

Definition at line 307 of file ast.h.

References Node::_kill.

virtual void stmtNode::output output_context ct,
Node par
[virtual, inherited]

Generate C code.

Each subclass overrides this method to define how to produce the output C code. To use this method, pass an output_context and a null parent.

ct the output context which describes the formatting.
par the parent node (or null, if at the top of a subtree).

Implements Node.

void stmtNode::output_comment output_context ct  )  [inherited]

virtual void blockNode::output_stmt output_context ct,
Node par

Output a statement.

Implements stmtNode.

void Node::parenthesized bool  paren  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the parenthesized boolean.

This boolean determines whether this expression will be parenthesized in the output. Note that that the parentheses will always be added when they are needed to disambiguate the output. This variable only controls the use of "un-necessary" parentheses.

paren the new value of the parenthesized boolean.

Definition at line 262 of file ast.h.

References Node::_parenthesized.

bool Node::parenthesized  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the parenthesized boolean.

true if the construct corresponding to this Node was parenthesized in the source.

Definition at line 250 of file ast.h.

References Node::_parenthesized.

static void Node::report  )  [static, inherited]

Report node count statistics.

The code can be configured to gather statistics about node usage according to type. This method prints the current state of that accounting information to standard out.

void blockNode::right_brace const Coord  right_brace  )  [inline]

Definition at line 4424 of file ast.h.

References _right_brace.

Coord blockNode::right_brace  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 4423 of file ast.h.

References _right_brace.

const stmt_list& blockNode::stmts  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 4421 of file ast.h.

References _stmts.

stmt_list& blockNode::stmts  )  [inline]

Definition at line 4420 of file ast.h.

References _stmts.

Referenced by DismantleUtil::empty_block().

static blockNode* blockNode::toBlock stmtNode stmt,
Coord  coord

Convert to block.

This method is used primarily by the parser to make sure that all branch bodies and loop bodies are represented by blockNodes, even if they aren't in the source code. For example:

  if (cond) x = x + 1;

Even though the body of the branch is just a single statement, we build a block containing that one statement:

  if (cond) { x = x + 1; }

This simplifies many other kinds of processing. For example, it makes it easy to add statements to the branch body.

The method looks at the type of the input statement. If it is already a compound statement, it is return unchanged. Otherwise, it creates a compound statement, puts the statement in it, and then returns the compound statement.

stmt the statement to covert, if necessary
coord the location of the construct in the source file.
the statement as a blockNode

NodeType Node::typ  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the node type.

This has nothing to do with types in the source code. It indicates what kind of AST node this is (e.g., a unary expression node or a while node).

the node type.

Definition at line 216 of file ast.h.

References Node::_typ.

Referenced by gcWalker::delete_nodes(), and NodeInfo::nodeIndex().

virtual typeNode* Node::type  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Return the node data type.

This method returns the C data type of a node. Several different kinds of nodes contain typeNode pointers. This method is just a unified way to access them. It does not attempt to compute the type, it just returns whatever typeNode pointer resides on the node. The subclasses that have types return them, and the others return null.

the typeNode pointer on the node.

Reimplemented in declNode, typeNode, exprNode, and operandNode.

Definition at line 342 of file ast.h.

virtual void blockNode::visit Visitor the_visitor  )  [virtual]

Dispatch a Visitor.

This abstract method is the entry point for the visitor design pattern. Each node subclass defines a visit() method that calls the appropriate at_ method in the visitor. For more information see the Visitor documentation.

the_visitor the specific Visitor object to use.

Implements Node.

Reimplemented in basicblockNode.

virtual void blockNode::walk Walker the_walker  )  [virtual]

Dispatch a Walker.

This abstract method works much like the visitor, but instead walks the entire underlying subtree calling the appropriate at_ method at each node. For more information see the Walker documentation.

the_walker the specific Walker object to use.

Implements Node.

Reimplemented in basicblockNode.

Member Data Documentation

TREE decl_list blockNode::_decls [private]

the local declarations

This list contains any declarations made in the scope of the block.

Definition at line 4374 of file ast.h.

Referenced by decls().

Coord blockNode::_right_brace [private]

the location of the right curly brace

Definition at line 4384 of file ast.h.

Referenced by right_brace().

TREE stmt_list blockNode::_stmts [private]

the statements

This list contains the statements contained in the block.

Definition at line 4380 of file ast.h.

Referenced by stmts().

map<Node *, bool> Node::deleted_nodes [static, inherited]

Definition at line 165 of file ast.h.

Referenced by gcWalker::delete_nodes().

bool Node::mark [inherited]

Definition at line 168 of file ast.h.

Referenced by gcWalker::at_binary(), and gcWalker::delete_nodes().

node_list Node::nodes [static, inherited]

Definition at line 162 of file ast.h.

Referenced by gcWalker::delete_nodes(), and gcWalker::gcWalker().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on February 1, 2006
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