Class ShapiroHorowitz

  extended by scale.alias.AliasAnalysis
      extended by scale.alias.shapirohorowitz.ShapiroHorowitz

public class ShapiroHorowitz
extends AliasAnalysis

A class which implements extension to Bjarne Steensgaard's alias analysis algorithm.

$Id:,v 1.19 2005-06-15 04:17:05 asmith Exp $

Copyright 2005 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

The algorithm performs interprocedural flow-insensitive points-to analysis. The important features of the algorithm are:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class scale.alias.AliasAnalysis
classTrace, trace
Constructor Summary
ShapiroHorowitz(boolean interprocedural, int numberCategories)
          Create an instance of the Shapiro-Horwitz alias analysis algorithm and indicate if it operates on the whole program.
ShapiroHorowitz(int numberCategories)
          Create an instance of the Shapiro-Horwitz alias analysis algorithm.
Method Summary
 void addrAssign(AliasVar lhs, AliasVar addr)
          Inference rule for the assignment of an address (x = &y).
 AliasVar addVariable(Declaration decl)
          Add a variable that needs to be processed by the algorithm.
 AliasVar addVariable(Declaration decl, AliasVar v)
          Add a variable into the analyzer and indicate the variable is in the same alias group as another variable.
 void assignPtr(AliasVar ptr, AliasVar rhs)
          Inference rule for assigning to a pointer (*x = y).
 void cleanup()
          Remove all the un-needed stuff.
 void functionCall(AliasVar lhs, AliasVar func, Vector<AliasVar> args)
          Inference rule for a function call assignment.
 void functionDef(AliasVar func, Vector<AliasVar> params, AliasVar retval)
          Inference rule for a function definition.
 void heapAssign(AliasVar lhs)
          Inference rule for assigning dynamically allocated memory.
 boolean isContextSensitive()
          Return false because Shapiro-Horwitz's algorithm is not context sensitive.
 boolean isFlowSensitive()
          Return false because Shapiro-Horwitz's algorithm is not flow sensitive.
 boolean isInterProcedural()
          Return true if the analysis is interprocedural.
 void opAssign(AliasVar lhs, Vector<AliasVar> opnds)
          Inference rule for an operation (x = op(y1,…,yN)).
 void ptrAssign(AliasVar lhs, AliasVar ptr)
          Inference rule for a pointer assignment (x = *y
 void simpleAssign(AliasVar lhs, AliasVar rhs)
          Inference rules for simple assignment (x = y).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ShapiroHorowitz(int numberCategories)
Create an instance of the Shapiro-Horwitz alias analysis algorithm.


public ShapiroHorowitz(boolean interprocedural,
                       int numberCategories)
Create an instance of the Shapiro-Horwitz alias analysis algorithm and indicate if it operates on the whole program.

interprocedural - set to true if the analysis should be interprocedural
Method Detail


public boolean isFlowSensitive()
Return false because Shapiro-Horwitz's algorithm is not flow sensitive.

Specified by:
isFlowSensitive in class AliasAnalysis


public boolean isContextSensitive()
Return false because Shapiro-Horwitz's algorithm is not context sensitive.

Specified by:
isContextSensitive in class AliasAnalysis


public boolean isInterProcedural()
Return true if the analysis is interprocedural. We can parameterize Shapiro-Horwitz's algorithm to work on a single procedure or the entire program.

Specified by:
isInterProcedural in class AliasAnalysis


public AliasVar addVariable(Declaration decl)
Add a variable that needs to be processed by the algorithm. We create a unique non-standard type for the variable and add it to the fast union/find data structure.

Specified by:
addVariable in class AliasAnalysis
decl - is the name of the variable.
our alias representation of the varaible.


public AliasVar addVariable(Declaration decl,
                            AliasVar v)
Add a variable into the analyzer and indicate the variable is in the same alias group as another variable. information from the given alias variable.

Specified by:
addVariable in class AliasAnalysis
the alias variable that represents the varaible.


public void simpleAssign(AliasVar lhs,
                         AliasVar rhs)
Inference rules for simple assignment (x = y).

Specified by:
simpleAssign in class AliasAnalysis
lhs - the left hand side of the assignment.
rhs - the right hand side of the assignment.


public void addrAssign(AliasVar lhs,
                       AliasVar addr)
Inference rule for the assignment of an address (x = &y).

Specified by:
addrAssign in class AliasAnalysis
lhs - the left hand side of the assignment.
addr - the right hand side of the assignment (the address).


public void ptrAssign(AliasVar lhs,
                      AliasVar ptr)
Inference rule for a pointer assignment (x = *y
Specified by:
ptrAssign in class AliasAnalysis
lhs - the left hand side of the assignment.
ptr - the right hand side of the assignment (the pointer).


public void opAssign(AliasVar lhs,
                     Vector<AliasVar> opnds)
Inference rule for an operation (x = op(y1,…,yN)).

Specified by:
opAssign in class AliasAnalysis
lhs - the left hand side of the assignment.
opnds - the list of arguments of the operation.


public void heapAssign(AliasVar lhs)
Inference rule for assigning dynamically allocated memory.

Specified by:
heapAssign in class AliasAnalysis
lhs - the left hand side of the assignment.


public void assignPtr(AliasVar ptr,
                      AliasVar rhs)
Inference rule for assigning to a pointer (*x = y).

Specified by:
assignPtr in class AliasAnalysis
ptr - the pointer representing the left hand side of the assignment.
rhs - the right hand side of the assignment.


public void functionDef(AliasVar func,
                        Vector<AliasVar> params,
                        AliasVar retval)
Inference rule for a function definition.

Specified by:
functionDef in class AliasAnalysis
func - the alias variable representing the function.
params - the alias variables representing the list of parameters.
retval - the alias variables representing the return value.


public void functionCall(AliasVar lhs,
                         AliasVar func,
                         Vector<AliasVar> args)
Inference rule for a function call assignment.

Specified by:
functionCall in class AliasAnalysis
lhs - the alias variables representing the value returned by the function call (is null if there function returns nothing)
func - the alias variables representing the function.
args - alias variables representing the arguments.


public void cleanup()
Remove all the un-needed stuff.