Class Domination

  extended by scale.backend.Domination

public class Domination
extends java.lang.Object

This class computes the dominators and post dominators of nodes in a graph.

$Id:,v 1.9 2007-10-04 19:57:48 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

As described in A Fast Algorithm for Finding Dominators in a Flowgraph by Lengauer and Tarjan, ACM. Tran. on Prog. Lang and System, July 1979.

Constructor Summary
Domination(boolean post, Node start)
Method Summary
static int computed()
          Return the number of times the dominance frontier was computed.
static int created()
          Return the number of instances of this class that were created.
static int deadNodes()
          Return the number of dead nodes removed.
 void displayDominance( s, Node n)
          Print out my dominance relations.
 Node[] getDominatees(Node n)
          Return an iteration of the nodes that n strictly dominates.
 Node getDominatorOf(Node v)
          Return the dominator of v.
 Vector<Node> getIterativeDomination(Node n)
          Return the set of all nodes strictly dominated by node n and all nodes dominated by nodes dominated by n, and so on.
protected  void getIterativeDomination(Node n, Vector<Node> v)
          Return the set of all nodes strictly dominated by node n and all nodes dominated by nodes dominated by n, and so on.
 boolean inDominatees(Node n, Node d)
          Return true if PFG node n dominates node d.
 boolean isPostDomination()
          Return true if this domination is a post domination.
 int numDominatees(Node n)
          Return the number of the nodes that n dominates.
 void pushDominatees(Node n, Stack<java.lang.Object> wl)
          Push onto the stack all of the nodes that n strictly dominates.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Domination(boolean post,
                  Node start)
post - false for dominators, true for post dominators to be determined
start - the starting node in the graph (or end if post dominators)
Method Detail


public static int created()
Return the number of instances of this class that were created.


public static int computed()
Return the number of times the dominance frontier was computed.


public static int deadNodes()
Return the number of dead nodes removed.


public final Node getDominatorOf(Node v)
Return the dominator of v.


public final Node[] getDominatees(Node n)
Return an iteration of the nodes that n strictly dominates.


public final void pushDominatees(Node n,
                                 Stack<java.lang.Object> wl)
Push onto the stack all of the nodes that n strictly dominates. The nodes are placed on the stack in descending order by the node's label. The nodes will be popped from the stack in reverse post-order.


public final int numDominatees(Node n)
Return the number of the nodes that n dominates.


public final Vector<Node> getIterativeDomination(Node n)
Return the set of all nodes strictly dominated by node n and all nodes dominated by nodes dominated by n, and so on.

n - is the dominator node


protected void getIterativeDomination(Node n,
                                      Vector<Node> v)
Return the set of all nodes strictly dominated by node n and all nodes dominated by nodes dominated by n, and so on.

n - is the dominator node
v - is the vector to which the dominated nodes are added


public final boolean inDominatees(Node n,
                                  Node d)
Return true if PFG node n dominates node d.

n - the node to test
d - the node to test


public final void displayDominance( s,
                                   Node n)
Print out my dominance relations.

s - the stream to write to


public final boolean isPostDomination()
Return true if this domination is a post domination.