Class CallGraph

  extended by scale.callGraph.CallGraph

public final class CallGraph
extends java.lang.Object

This class holds all of the RoutineDecl instances for the routines in a single compilation unit.

$Id:,v 1.126 2007-10-29 13:46:16 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2008 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

A class that represents the call graph of a program. This class is used to build the call graph and maintain a pointer to the root node (the main routine) of the program.

The class also maintains information about the routines and global variables in a program.

See Also:

Field Summary
static boolean alphabeticalOrder
          If true, return routines in alphabetical order.
Constructor Summary
CallGraph(java.lang.String name, Suite suite, SourceLanguage sourceLang)
          Create a call graph of call nodes.
Method Summary
 void addCallee(RoutineDecl caller, RoutineDecl rd)
          Add a call to the call graph.
 void addFunction(RoutineDecl p)
          Add the routine to the list of routines that are referenced.
 void addProfiling(Vector<java.lang.String> moduleNames, int profileOptions)
          Add the profiling instrumentation to every call node in the call graph.
 SymtabEntry addRootSymbol(Declaration decl)
          Add the declaration to the root symbol table scope.
 SymtabEntry addSymbol(Declaration decl)
          Add the declaration to the current symbol table scope.
 void addTopLevelDecl(Declaration decl)
          Add a top level declaration.
 java.util.Iterator<RoutineDecl> allRoutines()
          Return an Iterator of all the routines.
 RoutineDecl[] allRoutinesArray()
          Return an array of all the routines.
static void cleanup()
          Clean up for profiling statistics.
 void computeCallGraph()
          Compute the call graph.
 Node getAST()
          Return the root of the Clef abstract syntax tree (AST).
 RoutineDecl getMain()
          Return the main procedure if any.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Return the name associated with this call graph.
 SourceLanguage getSourceLanguage()
          Return the source language of the call graph.
 Suite getSuite()
          Return the Suite to which this CallGraph belongs.
 Symtab getSymbolTable()
          Return the symbol table for the clef tree.
 void graphCallTree(DisplayGraph da)
          Create a graphic display of the call graph.
 int hashCode()
          Use the file name of the source file.
 int numRoutines()
          Return the number of routines in this call graph.
 void optimizeAST()
          Apply optimizations to the AST.
 void printAllRoutines()
          Print to out the routines in this call graph.
 void processFunctionPointers()
          Associate indirect calls with their targets.
 void readProfInfo(Vector<java.lang.String> profilePaths, int profileOptions)
          Read in the profiling information for every call node in the call graph.
 void recordRoutine(RoutineDecl rd)
          Record the RoutineDecl.
 void removeClefAST()
          Remove the Clef AST to save space.
static void reportProfileProblem(java.lang.String text)
          Generate a message for a profile data problem and abort.
 void setAST(Node ast)
          Specify the root node of the AST.
 void setMain(RoutineDecl main)
          Specify the main procedure (if any) in the CallGraph.
 java.util.Iterator<Declaration> topLevelDecls()
          Return an Iterator of all the top level declarations except routines.
 java.util.Iterator<Declaration> topLevelDefDecls()
          Return an Iterator of all the top level declarations (except routines) that are defining definitions.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static boolean alphabeticalOrder
If true, return routines in alphabetical order.

Constructor Detail


public CallGraph(java.lang.String name,
                 Suite suite,
                 SourceLanguage sourceLang)
Create a call graph of call nodes.

name - the name of the Clef AST (i.e., the file name)
suite - is the collection of call graphs
sourceLang - specifies the source language used
Method Detail


public int hashCode()
Use the file name of the source file.

hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public final void optimizeAST()
Apply optimizations to the AST.


public final Suite getSuite()
Return the Suite to which this CallGraph belongs.


public final java.lang.String getName()
Return the name associated with this call graph.


public final SourceLanguage getSourceLanguage()
Return the source language of the call graph.


public final Node getAST()
Return the root of the Clef abstract syntax tree (AST).


public final void setAST(Node ast)
Specify the root node of the AST.


public final void computeCallGraph()
Compute the call graph.


public final void removeClefAST()
Remove the Clef AST to save space.


public final Symtab getSymbolTable()
Return the symbol table for the clef tree.


public void addFunction(RoutineDecl p)
Add the routine to the list of routines that are referenced.


public void addCallee(RoutineDecl caller,
                      RoutineDecl rd)
Add a call to the call graph. If a call node hasn't already been created, we create one. Also, we all the callee to the list of routines in the program (if it hasn't been added already).

caller - the call node representing the caller
rd - the declaration node representig the callee


public void addProfiling(Vector<java.lang.String> moduleNames,
                         int profileOptions)
Add the profiling instrumentation to every call node in the call graph.

moduleNames - is the list of all source modules in the program and must include the module containing "main"
profileOptions - specifies which profiling instrumentation to insert


public static void reportProfileProblem(java.lang.String text)
Generate a message for a profile data problem and abort.


public void readProfInfo(Vector<java.lang.String> profilePaths,
                         int profileOptions)
Read in the profiling information for every call node in the call graph.

profilePaths - is the list of directories to search for profile information and must include the module containing "main"
profileOptions - specifies which profiling instrumentation to insert


public void printAllRoutines()
Print to out the routines in this call graph.


public void processFunctionPointers()
Associate indirect calls with their targets.


public void recordRoutine(RoutineDecl rd)
Record the RoutineDecl.


public RoutineDecl getMain()
Return the main procedure if any.


public void setMain(RoutineDecl main)
Specify the main procedure (if any) in the CallGraph.


public java.util.Iterator<RoutineDecl> allRoutines()
Return an Iterator of all the routines.


public RoutineDecl[] allRoutinesArray()
Return an array of all the routines.


public int numRoutines()
Return the number of routines in this call graph.


public void addTopLevelDecl(Declaration decl)
Add a top level declaration.


public java.util.Iterator<Declaration> topLevelDecls()
Return an Iterator of all the top level declarations except routines.


public java.util.Iterator<Declaration> topLevelDefDecls()
Return an Iterator of all the top level declarations (except routines) that are defining definitions. We use this to distinguish between defining and references declarations (ie., those with the extern keyword).


public void graphCallTree(DisplayGraph da)
Create a graphic display of the call graph.

da - is the graph display


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public SymtabEntry addSymbol(Declaration decl)
Add the declaration to the current symbol table scope.

the symbol table entry


public SymtabEntry addRootSymbol(Declaration decl)
Add the declaration to the root symbol table scope.

the symbol table entry


public static void cleanup()
Clean up for profiling statistics.