Class Summary | |
AbsoluteValueOp | The AbsoluteValueOp class represents the absolute value operation. |
AdditionAssignmentOp | This class represents x += y . |
AdditionOp | This class represents the addition operator. |
AddressLiteral | A class which represents the address of a Declaration. |
AddressOp | This class represents the operation of obtaining the address of some thing. |
AggregateOp | A class which represents a field/member selection, or aggregate, operator. |
AggregationElements | The AggregationElements class represents an aggregation of values used to initialize a variable. |
AllocatePlacementOp | This class represents a heap allocation operation that has a default value and a placement parameter. |
AllocateSettingFieldsOp | This class represents a heap allocation operation for an aggregate entity and then uses the specified positional arguments to initialize the entity. |
AndConditionalOp | This class represents a logical and operation with conditional evaluation of its second operand. |
AndOp | This class represents the logical and operation. |
AssignmentOp | The AssignmentOp class is the abstract class for all assignment operations. |
AssignSimpleOp | This class represents the assignment operation for atomic data. |
BitAndAssignmentOp | This class represents x &= y . |
BitAndOp | This class represents a bit-and operation. |
BitComplementOp | This class represents the bit-complement operation. |
BitOrAssignmentOp | This class represents x |= y . |
BitOrOp | This class represents the bit-or operation. |
BitShiftAssignmentOp | This class represents x <<= y and x >>= y . |
BitShiftOp | The BitShiftOp class is the class for all bit shifting operations. |
BitXorAssignmentOp | This class represents x ^= y . |
BitXorOp | This class represents the bit-exclusive or operation. |
BooleanLiteral | A class which represents a boolean literal value. |
CallFunctionOp | A class which represents a call to a function. |
CallOp | A class which represents a generic routine call expression. |
CharLiteral | A class which represents a char literal value. |
ComplexLiteral | A class which represents a floating point literal value. |
ComplexOp | A class which represents the operation using two values to create a complex value. |
CompoundAssignmentOp | This is the base class for all compound assignments such as
+= . |
DefOp | This class allows a temporary variable, created by the compiler, to be added to the appropriate places. |
DeleteArrayOp | A class which represents the C++ delete operator for arrays. |
DeleteOp | A class which represents the C++ delete operator for heap allocated structures. |
DereferenceOp | The DereferenceOp class represents the derefernce (*) operator. |
DivisionAssignmentOp | This class represents x /= y . |
DivisionOp | This class represents the division operator. |
DyadicOp | This class is the abstract class for operations with two arguments. |
EqualityOp | This class represents the test for equality. |
ExponentiationOp | This class represents the exponentiation operator. |
Expression | This is the base class for expressions such as add, subscript, etc. |
ExpressionIfOp | This class is used to represents the C conditional operator. |
FloatArrayLiteral | A class which represents a floating point literal array. |
FloatLiteral | A class which represents a floating point literal value. |
GreaterEqualOp | This class represnts the test for greater than or equal. |
GreaterOp | This class represnts the test for greater than. |
HeapOp | This is the base class for all allocation operators. |
IdAddressOp | A class which represents the address of a Declaration. |
IdReferenceOp | A class which represents a reference to a Declaration. |
IdValueOp | A class which represents the value of a Declaration. |
IncrementOp | This is the base class for all modify and replace operations such as x++. |
IntArrayLiteral | A class which represents a integer literal array. |
IntLiteral | A class which represents a integer literal value including address constants. |
LessEqualOp | This class represnts the test for less than or equal. |
LessOp | This class represnts the test for less than. |
Literal | The base class for classes which represent a literal, or constant, value. |
MaximumOp | This class represents the max(a, b) operation. |
MinimumOp | This class represents the min(a, b) operation. |
ModulusOp | Un-used. |
MonadicOp | This is the abstract class which represents an operation with one argument. |
MultiplicationAssignmentOp | This class represents x *= y . |
MultiplicationOp | This class represents the multiplication operator. |
NegativeOp | This class represents the unary - operator. |
NilOp | A class which represents the nil pointer value. |
NotEqualOp | This class represents the test for inequality. |
NotOp | A Class representing a boolean not operation. |
OrConditionalOp | This class represents a logical or operation with conditional evaluation of its second operand. |
OrOp | This class represents the logical or operation. |
ParenthesesOp | This class represents an expression inside a set of parens. |
PositionFieldOp | The PositionFieldOp class represents a position in an aggregation
by specifying the struct field to be initialized. |
PositionIndexOp | The PositionIndexOp class represents a position in an aggregation as an single dimension array index from the start of the aggregation. |
PositionOffsetOp | The PositionOffsetOp class represents a position in an aggregation as an offset, in bytes, from the start of the aggregation. |
PositionOp | The PositionOp class represents a position in an aggregation. |
PositionRepeatOp | The PositionRepeatOp class specifies a repeat count for the next constant in an aggregation. |
PositiveOp | This class representes the unary plus operator. |
PostDecrementOp | This class represents the x-- operator. |
PostIncrementOp | This class represents the x++ operator. |
PreDecrementOp | This class represents the --x operator. |
PreIncrementOp | This class represents the ++x operator. |
RemainderAssignmentOp | This class represents x %= y . |
RemainderOp | This class represents the remainder operator. |
SelectIndirectOp | A class which represents the address of the value of the "." and
"-> " operators in C. |
SelectOp | A class which represents value of the "." and "-> "
operators in C. |
SeriesOp | The SeriesOp class represents the C-style comma operator. |
SizeofLiteral | A class which represents a literal value that is the size of some type or variable. |
StatementOp | A class which allows a statement to be included as part of an expression. |
StringLiteral | A class which represents a literal string value. |
SubscriptAddressOp | A class representing an array subscript operation that returns a address. |
SubscriptOp | This is the base class for subscripting operations. |
SubscriptValueOp | A class representing an array subscript operation that returns a value. |
SubstringOp | A class which represents the substring operationapplied to a Fortran CHARACTER variable. |
SubtractionAssignmentOp | This class represents x -= y . |
SubtractionOp | This class represents the subtraction operator. |
TernaryOp | A class which represents ternary operators. |
ThisOp | A class which represents the use of the this keyword. |
Transcendental2Op | This class represents dyadic intrinsic functions. |
TranscendentalOp | This class represents the monadic intrinsic functions. |
TypeConversionOp | A class which represents a language defined type conversion operation. |
VaArgOp | A class which represents the va_arg(va_list, type) C construct in the Clef AST. |
VaCopyOp | A class which represents the va_copy(va_list src, va_list dest) C construct in the Clef AST. |
VaEndOp | A class which represents the va_end(va_list) C construct in the Clef AST. |
VarArgOp | A class which represents the C variable argument processing. |
VaStartOp | A class which represents the va_start(va_list, parmN) C construct in the Clef AST. |
Enum Summary | |
CastMode | This enum specifies the type conversion - address cast, real, etc. |
ShiftMode | This enum specifies the type of shift operation - logical left, arithmetic right, etc. |
TransFtn | This enum specifies the different transcendental functions - sin, cos, etc. |
Provides for describing expressions in the Clef AST.
The Expression
class is the base class for all expressions.