Class BitVect

  extended by scale.common.BitVect
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class BitVect
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable

A class which implements a vector of bits similar to java.util.BitSet.

$Id:,v 1.37 2007-10-04 19:58:10 burrill Exp $

Copyright 2007 by the Scale Compiler Group,
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst MA. 01003, USA
All Rights Reserved.

This class differs from java.util.BitSet in that it saves space by not storing words, at the beginning and end of a vector, that are all zero bits.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
          Create a bit vector.
BitVect(int nbits)
          Create a bit vector with pre-allocated size for nbits bits.
BitVect(int firstBit, int lastBit)
          Create a bit vector with pre-allocated size for a range of bits.
Method Summary
 void and(BitVect o)
          And this bit vector with the specified bit vector.
 void andNot(BitVect o)
          And this bit vector with the logical complement of the specified bit vector.
 void andNotTo(int[] bits)
          And the specified array with the logical complement of this bit vector.
 void clear(int index)
          Clear the bit at the specified index.
 BitVect clone()
 void copyTo(int[] bits)
          Copy the bit vector into the specified int array.
 int count()
          Return the number of bits set.
 void define(int[] o)
          Set this bit vector with the specified array of bits.
 boolean empty()
          Return true if the bit vector is all zeros.
 boolean equivalent(BitVect o)
          Return true if the two bit vectors are identical.
 boolean get(int index)
          Return the bit at the specified index.
 int[] getSetBits()
          Return an array of integers specifying which bits are set.
 int getSetBits(int[] result)
          Set an array of integers specifying which bits are set.
static BitVect getSlice(int slice, BitVect[] in)
          Return a column of a bit array that is represented by an array of BitVect instances.
 void histogram(int[] hist)
          Increase the histogram by one in every position there is a bit in the bit vector.
 boolean intersect(BitVect o)
          Return true if the intersection is non-null.
 int intersectCount(BitVect o)
          Return the number of intersections.
 int length()
          Return the index plus one of the last bit set.
 void or(BitVect o)
          Or this bit vector with the specified bit vector.
 boolean orAndTest(BitVect o)
          Or this bit vector with the specified bit vector.
 boolean orTo(int[] bits)
          Or this bit vector with the specified array.
 void outputSetBits()
          Display the bits set by their index values.
 void reset()
          Empty the bit vector.
 void set(int index)
          Set the bit at the specified index.
 int size()
          Return the number of bits actually in use to represent this bit vector.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Return a String representation of the bit vector.
static void transpose(BitVect[] out, BitVect[] in)
          Transpose a matrix of bits.
 void trim()
          If possible, reduce the space required by this bit vector.
 void xor(BitVect o)
          Exclusive or this bit vector with the specified bit vector.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BitVect()
Create a bit vector.


public BitVect(int nbits)
Create a bit vector with pre-allocated size for nbits bits.


public BitVect(int firstBit,
               int lastBit)
Create a bit vector with pre-allocated size for a range of bits.

Method Detail


public BitVect clone()
clone in class java.lang.Object


public void copyTo(int[] bits)
Copy the bit vector into the specified int array. The bit vector is represented by 32 bits per int. Bits are numbered right to left within a word. The specified array must be large enough to hold all the bits.


public void reset()
Empty the bit vector.


public final void trim()
If possible, reduce the space required by this bit vector.


public int intersectCount(BitVect o)
Return the number of intersections.


public boolean intersect(BitVect o)
Return true if the intersection is non-null.


public void and(BitVect o)
And this bit vector with the specified bit vector.


public void andNot(BitVect o)
And this bit vector with the logical complement of the specified bit vector.


public void andNotTo(int[] bits)
And the specified array with the logical complement of this bit vector. This bit vector is not changed.


public void or(BitVect o)
Or this bit vector with the specified bit vector.


public boolean orAndTest(BitVect o)
Or this bit vector with the specified bit vector.

true if this bit vector was modified.


public boolean orTo(int[] bits)
Or this bit vector with the specified array. This bit vector is not changed.

true if the resulting array is not equivalent to this bit vector


public void define(int[] o)
Set this bit vector with the specified array of bits. The bit vector is represented by 32 bits per int. Bits are numbered right to left within a word.


public void xor(BitVect o)
Exclusive or this bit vector with the specified bit vector.


public boolean equivalent(BitVect o)
Return true if the two bit vectors are identical.


public void set(int index)
Set the bit at the specified index.


public void clear(int index)
Clear the bit at the specified index.


public boolean get(int index)
Return the bit at the specified index.


public int length()
Return the index plus one of the last bit set.


public int count()
Return the number of bits set.


public boolean empty()
Return true if the bit vector is all zeros.


public int size()
Return the number of bits actually in use to represent this bit vector.


public java.lang.String toString()
Return a String representation of the bit vector.

toString in class java.lang.Object
a String representation of the bit vector


public void histogram(int[] hist)
Increase the histogram by one in every position there is a bit in the bit vector.


public static void transpose(BitVect[] out,
                             BitVect[] in)
Transpose a matrix of bits. This algorithm is quick if the input array is sparse.

out - specifies the output array
in - is the array of BitVect instances


public static BitVect getSlice(int slice,
                               BitVect[] in)
Return a column of a bit array that is represented by an array of BitVect instances.

slice - specifies the column
in - is the array of BitVect instances


public int[] getSetBits()
Return an array of integers specifying which bits are set.


public int getSetBits(int[] result)
Set an array of integers specifying which bits are set. It is assumed that the array is large enough; use the count() method to determine the proper size.

the number set


public void outputSetBits()
Display the bits set by their index values. The display goes to System.out.