UT-Austin TRIPS Press Releases
- Computer Scientists Unveil Next-Generation High-Performance Processor at The University of Texas at Austin (8/24/2007)
- Computer Scientists Unveil Architecture for Embedded Single-Chip Supercomputer (8/22/2003)
UT-Austin Publications
- Trip to the Edge Focus on Science, College of Natural Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin (9/1//2006)
Business Week
- "Mighty Morphing Power Processors" (By Otis Port, 6/6/2005) (Free registration required)
- "Fired Up for the Supercomputer Derby" (By Otis Port, 6/7/2004) (Free registration required)
- "Innovation, Lego-Style" (By Peter Burrows, 6/19/2003) (Free registration required)
Computer World
- "Supercomputer on a Chip" (By Gary Anthes, 9/26/2005)
Financial Times
- "Gambit in the war on obsolescence" (By Clive Cookson, 12/7/2004) (Subscription required)
Wall Street Journal
- "Texas Team Crafts Ambidextrous Chip" (By Bob Sechler, 5/26/2004) (Purchase required for full article)
- "Technology Trader" (By Bill Alpert, 10/20/2003)
Microprocessor Report
- "Moore, Moore, Moore at ISSCC" (By Peter N. Glaskowsky, 3/24/2003)
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EE Times
- "Processor Adapts to Shifting Loads" (By David Lammers, 9/2/2003)
Computer Business Review
- "IBM, U. of Texas Designing Morphable Teraflops Chip" (By Timothy Prickett Morgan, 8/27/2003)
Austin-American Statesman
- "UT Chip's Built for Speed" (By Kirk Ladendorf, 4/30/2007) (Purchase required for full article)
- "UT-developed design method might lead to superprocessor" (By Kirk Ladendorf, 8/27/2003) (Purchase required for full article)
Austin Business Journal
- "UT develops super chip" (8/28/03) (Free registration required)