UT CS Education
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Conferences appropriate for CS Education Research

Conferences represent an important venue for publishing and reading papers related to research in Computer Science Education. While there are many more conferences than those listed here, this list represents several of those most interesting for CS Ed researchers. If you have further suggestions, please send email to <almstrum@cs.utexas.edu>.

Conferences (co-)sponsored by: SIGCSE  |  CCSC  |  CTC/CTI  |  IEEE  |  IFIP  |  ESP  |  CCTL  |  NECA  |  AACE  |  ISLS

Conferences (co-)sponsored by ACM SIGCSE

Small College Computing Conferences (sponsored by CCSC)

Conference on the Teaching of Computing

Conferences (co-) sponsored by IEEE and its subunits

Events (co-)sponsored by IFIP

Empirical Studies of Programmers Workshops

Conference on College Teaching and Learning

Conferences (co-)sponsored by NECA

Conferences (co-)sponsored by AACE (Association for the Advancement of Computing)

Conferences (co-)sponsored by the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)

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