UT CS Education
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Topics Vital to Studies in the Field of CSEd Research

Besides a thorough knowledge of Computer Science topics (usually at the level of a Masters in CS), the following areas are generally included in a program of study for a Ph.D in CS Education:

CS education research has strong relationships to manye conventionally recognized subareas of computer science, for example:.

Each of these areas offer key conferences and other publication venues; with time, we hope to expand the resource pages on this site to include many of these areas as well.

If you know of other relevant reference materials, either on-line or off-line, please submit the information for inclusion on the appropriate page(s).

A vision for the future of CS Education as a field is to develop a model for degree programs in CS Education, analogous to the recommendations for computer science in Computing Curricula 1991. Such an effort has been proposed to the SIGCSE Board and is currently in the planning phase. If you are interested in becoming involved in such an effort, please contact Vicki L. Almstrum

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