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Research Groups and Consortia

Each group listed on this page has an active interest in the topic of research in CS education. The research groups are presented by country.

There are undoubtedly other groups that should be added and information that should appear for the groups I have included. Please send suggestions and additions to me at

Research Groups

Monash University Computing Education Research Group (CERG)
University of Helsinki Animation Aided Problem Solving
Department of Computer Systems at Uppsala University CS Ed Research Group
United Kingdom
Department of Computer Science at Nottingham University Learning Technology Research
The Open University The Centre for Informatics Education Research (CIER)
The University of Kent
Computers and Education Research Group
The School of Computer Studies, University of Leeds Education Research in Computing Group
The United States of America
George Washington University Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (contact Michael Feldman)
University of Texas at Austin CS Education Research Group


Page prepared by Vicki L. Almstrum.Department of Computer Sciences at UT Austin
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