Hierarchical CPU Scheduling Framework
Most conventional CPU scheduling algorithms have been designed for
specific application classes (e.g., earliest deadline first and rate
monotonic algorithms for hard real-time applications, time-sharing
for best-effort applications). To support applications with diverse
service requirements, we have developed a {\em hierarchical CPU
scheduling framework} that enables different schedulers to be
employed for different application classes, while protecting
application classes from one another. In this framework, the
hierarchical partitioning is specified by a tree. Each thread in the
system belongs to exactly one leaf node, and each node in the tree
represents either an application class or an aggregation of
application classes. Whereas the requirements of application classes
determine the leaf node schedulers, intermediate nodes are scheduled
using SFQ. This approach provides throughput guarantees to each
application class, and does not impose higher overhead than
conventional time-sharing schedulers.
Representative Publication:
P. Goyal, X. Guo, and H.M. Vin, A Hierarchical CPU Scheduler for
Multimedia Operating Systems, In
Proceedings of the Second
Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementations
(OSDI'96), Seattle, Washington, Pages 107-122, October 1996
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