CS373: Software Engineering

  • Spring 2024: 51170 & 51175
  • 16 Jan - 29 Apr 2024

Configuring git

  • % git config --global user.name "John Galt"
  • % git config --global user.email jgalt@atlas.com
  • % git config --global push.default simple
  • % git config --global color.ui true

If you're using macOS or Linux:

  • % git config --global core.autocrlf input

If you're using Windows:

  • % git config --global core.autocrlf true

Cloning the class repo from GitLab

  • % git clone https://gitlab.com/gpdowning/cs373.git

Syncing with a repo

  • % cd my-repo
  • % git pull

Checking the status of a repo

  • % cd my-repo
  • % git status

Creating a repo and connecting it to GitLab

  • % touch README
  • % git init
  • % git remote add origin git@gitlab.com:jgalt/my-repo.git
  • % git add README
  • % git commit -m 'first commit'
  • % git push -u origin master

Adding to a Repo

  • % cd my-repo
  • % git add Foo.py
  • % git add Bar.py
  • % git commit -m "another commit"
  • % git push

Copyright © Glenn P. Downing, 2008-2024
Updated 4 Jun 2024