Dr. Calvin Lin is a University Distinguished Teaching Professor of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Austin. Lin has a long-standing interest in CS education. He has been the Director of the Department's Turing Scholars Honors Program since its creation in 2001, and he is currently PI of Project Engage! In addition to these interests, Lin has research interests in compilers, computer architecture, and parallel computing.
Dr. George Veletsianos is co-PI of Project Engage. He is a Canada Research Chair in Innovative Learning and Technology, and Associate Professor at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC. Veletsianos studies emerging technologies and pedagogies and his research aims to understand learners', educators', and scholars' practices and experiences in emerging online settings (e.g., social networks and open learning environments).
Bradley Beth is the Master Teacher for Project Engage! After working in the software development industry, he became certified to teach computer science through the UTeach program. As a teacher, the College Board named Bradley as having the highest AP Computer Science pass rates in the country among African-American and Hispanic students (2007).
Gregory Russell is the project manager for Thriving in Our Digital World. His responsibilities also include instructional design, teacher support, professional development, outreach, and educational research. Greg was formerly an elementary and middle school teacher. He enjoys an active lifestyle with sports, cross-training, and cycling.