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Student at Martindale High School

Born on March 20

127 East Riverside Drive  Austin, TX 78704



Leandro is no longer friends with Chris

September 26



cris is a lozer

September 25


Leandro is no longer friends with Angelique

September 23


Leandro's relationship status changed from 'in a relationship' to 'single'

September 23


Angelique: What does this mean??? :’-(

Leandro: we ova, duh!!!


Leandro posted a photo to his wall

Stupidity demotivational poster

September 21



skool sux

September 21


Leandro is at the Alamo Drafthouse with Angelique

September 19

Angelique poster


Want to go see the new Brad Pitt movie?

September 18


Leandro: Of all the movies, of course you want to see his. :P

Angelique: C’mon.  Don’t be silly, you know it’s not like that…sooooo?

Leandro: You know I’ll be happy to see whatever you want to :)

Angelique: :)



160 days...

September 16


Leandro: Funny…the countdown was intended as a way for me to look forward to college, but now it seems to be counting down the days that I can have fun here at Martindale!

Angelique: So little time, so much to do! :)


Leandro and Angelique are in a relationship

September 14


Chris, Angelique, and Sandy like this

Chris poster


Who knew you could ‘roll thunder’ like that?  Bowling was so fun…but I think I’ll stick to baseball…

September 13


Leandro: That's probably a good idea. :)

Chris: Hey now! Hahaha


Leandro, Angelique, Chris, Erica, and Sandy are at Starlight Bowling

September 12

Demaris poster


Are you giving up on COD MW3? I want to get the team back together!

September 10


Leandro: Yeah.  Sorry.  I thought my senior year would be super easy, but I have Ms. Mahoney.  She gives more homework than any other teacher at school!

Demaris: :( …but I understand.  I had her last year, so let me know if you need anything for her class.  Maybe I can help you, so you can get back online! :P

Leandro: You’re twisting my arm on this, huh?

Demaris: Twist, twist, twist.  Haha!

Spotify logo

Leandro is listening to Drake on Spotify

September 8



170 days...

September 6

Calendar logo

Leandro is attending 'Bowling Superstars'

September 5



I love summers that last forever!

September 3


Leandro is now friends with Angelique and Chris

September 3

Spotify logo

Leandro is listening to Arcade Fire on Spotify

August 31



180 days...

August 26


Erica: :( Don't remind me!

Leandro: Not anymore.  We’re already down to 179 now! :P



One more year before I'm off to college. Let the countdown begin!

August 25