Student at Martindale High School
Born on March 20
127 East Riverside Drive Austin, TX 78704
Leandro is no longer friends with Chris September 26 |
cris is a lozer September 25 |
Leandro is no longer friends with Angelique September 23 |
Leandro's relationship status changed from 'in a relationship' to 'single' September 23 |
Angelique: What does this mean??? :’-( Leandro: we ova, duh!!! |
Leandro posted a photo to his wall September 21 |
skool sux September 21 |
Leandro is at the Alamo Drafthouse with Angelique September 19 |
Want to go see the new Brad Pitt movie? September 18 |
Leandro: Of all the movies, of course you want to see his. :P Angelique: C’mon. Don’t be silly, you know it’s not like that…sooooo? Leandro: You know I’ll be happy to see whatever you want to :) Angelique: :) |
160 days... September 16 |
Leandro: Funny…the countdown was intended as a way for me to look forward to college, but now it seems to be counting down the days that I can have fun here at Martindale! Angelique: So little time, so much to do! :) |
Leandro and Angelique are in a relationship September 14 |
Who knew you could ‘roll thunder’ like that? Bowling was so fun…but I think I’ll stick to baseball… September 13 |
Leandro: That's probably a good idea. :) Chris: Hey now! Hahaha |
Leandro, Angelique, Chris, Erica, and Sandy are at Starlight Bowling September 12 |
Are you giving up on COD MW3? I want to get the team back together! September 10 |
Leandro: Yeah. Sorry. I thought my senior year would be super easy, but I have Ms. Mahoney. She gives more homework than any other teacher at school! Demaris: :( …but I understand. I had her last year, so let me know if you need anything for her class. Maybe I can help you, so you can get back online! :P Leandro: You’re twisting my arm on this, huh? Demaris: Twist, twist, twist. Haha! |
Leandro is listening to Drake on Spotify September 8 |
170 days... September 6 |
Leandro is attending 'Bowling Superstars' September 5 |
I love summers that last forever! September 3 |
Leandro is now friends with Angelique and Chris September 3 |
Leandro is listening to Arcade Fire on Spotify August 31 |
180 days... August 26 |
Erica: :( Don't remind me! Leandro: Not anymore. We’re already down to 179 now! :P |
One more year before I'm off to college. Let the countdown begin! August 25 |