Sponsors of the SHPC group (previously the FLAME group)
NSF Grants
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. |
Other Support
AMD supports us with an unrestricted gift and equipment donations.
HP has donated one quad Itanium (R) 2 workstation, two dual Itanium (R) 2 processor workstations and one single Itanium (R) 2 processor workstation to this research.
Frequent visits by Prof. Enrique Quintana (Univ. Jaume I, Spain) have
been supported in part by ICES Visiting Faculty Fellowships.
Intel provided access to their Single Chip Cloud (SCC) processor and has supported us with an unrestricted grant.
Microsoft provided numerous years of support that helped shape libflame as a library and funded our fundamental research.
This work was partially supported by the Remote Exploration and
Experimentation Project at Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
which is part of NASA's High Performance Computing and
Communications Program, and is funded by NASA's Office of Space
Science. (JPL funded the Formal Linear Algebra Recovery Environment
(FLARE), a fault-tolerant extension of FLAME.) |
National Instruments is an active participant in this project
and has sponsored an undergraduate student as a Co-op student at NI.
In addition, Dr. James Truchard (President, CEO, and Cofounder of NI)
graciously made an unrestricted donation to our research. |
NEC sponsored the development of our workqueuing mechanism during Summer 2005. |
We gratefully acknowledge an equipment grant from NVIDIA. |
Texas Instruments has funded us with unrestricted gifts and equipment donations.