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References References

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Margaret E. Myers and Robert A. van de Geijn, LAFF-On Programming for Correctness, A Massive Open Online Course offered on edX.
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Robert van de Geijn, Margaret Myers, and Devangi N. Parikh, LAFF-On Programming for High Performance,, 2019.
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Available free from Journal Publication #33. Click on the title of the paper.

Field G. Van Zee, Robert A. van de Geijn, Gregorio Quintana-Ortí, Restructuring the Tridiagonal and Bidiagonal QR Algorithms for Performance. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) , 2014.

Available free from Journal Publication #33. Click on the title of the paper.

Field G. Van Zee, Robert A. van de Geijn, Gregorio Quintana-Ortí, G. Joseph Elizondo, Families of Algorithms for Reducing a Matrix to Condensed Form. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) , Vol, No. 1, 2012.

Available free from Journal Publication #26. Click on the title of the paper.

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Tyler Michael Smith, Bradley Lowery, Julien Langou, Robert A. van de Geijn, A Tight I/O Lower Bound for Matrix Multiplication,, 2019. (To appear in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software.)
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Field G. Van Zee and Robert A. van de Geijn, BLIS: A Framework for Rapidly Instantiating BLAS Functionality, ACM Journal on Mathematical Software, Vol. 41, No. 3, June 2015. You can access this article for free by visiting the Science of High-Performance Computing group webpage and clicking on the title of Journal Article 39.