Map Synchronization: from Object Correspondences to Neural Networks
Tutorial at CVPR 2019
Sunday, June 16th, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
201B, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, CA
Establishing maps (e.g. pointwise correspondences) across object collections is a fundamental problem spanning many scientific domains. High-quality maps facilitating information propagation and transformation are key to applications ranging from multiview structure from motion, 3D reconstruction with partial scans, data-driven geometry completion and reconstruction, texture transfer, to comparative biology, joint data-analysis, and data exploration and organization. In the deep learning era, the concept of maps naturally extends to neural networks between different domains.
High quality object maps are generally difficult to compute. Prior work on map computation focused on optimizing maps between pairs of objects. Despite the significant progress, state-of-the-art techniques tends to hit a barrier on the quality of maps that are computed in a pairwise manner. Building upon the availability of big-data, a recent line of research considered computing many pairwise maps jointly among a collection of objects (or map synchronization). The promise of these approaches hinges upon the observation that one way to obtain a high quality pairwise map between dissimilar objects is to choose a path connecting these objects but consisting of consecutive similar shapes: maps between similar objects are typically of higher quality, and so is the resulted composed map. From a regularization perspective, joint map computation leverages the generic consistency of a network of maps among multiple objects, in which composition of maps along cycles are expected to be close to the identity map.
In this tutorial, we cover different map synchronization techniques, including the ones that are based on graph theory, the ones that are based on combinatorial optimization, and the ones that are based on modern optimization techniques such as spectral decomposition, convex optimization, non-convex optimization and MAP inference. We also cover recent techniques that jointly optimize neural networks across multiple domains. Besides optimization techniques, we will also discuss the applications of map synchronization in multi-view based geometry reconstruction (RGB images or RGBD images), jointly analysis of image collections, and 3D reconstruction and understanding across multiple domains.
The intended audience are academicians, graduate students and industrial researchers who are interested in the state-of-the-art techniques for multi-view structure-from-motion, geometry reconstruction from depth-scans, dense image flows, unsupervised object discovery and joint learning of neural networks. The tutorial is self-contained.
Qixing Huang
is an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University and his MS and BS in Computer Science from Tsinghua University. He was a research assistant professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago before joining UT Austin. He has also worked at Adobe Research and Google Research. Dr. Huang's research spans the fields of computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning. In particular, he is interested in designing new algorithms that process and analyze big geometric data (e.g., 3D shapes/scenes). He is also interested in statistical data analysis, compressive sensing, low-rank matrix recovery, and large-scale optimization, which provides theoretical foundation for his research. He also received the best paper award at the Symposium on Geometry Processing 2013. He is an area chair of CVPR 2019 and ICCV 2019.
Xiaowei Zhou is a Research Professor in Computer Science at Zhejiang University, China. He was a postdoctoral researcher in the Computer and Information Science Department at University of Pennsylvania. His research interests are on 3D vision problems including object pose estimation, shape reconstruction, human pose estimation and image matching. His current work attempts to combine geometry, optimization and learning methods to extract both semantic and geometric information of 3D object and scene from visual data. He co-organized the Workshops on Geometry Meets Deep Learning at ECCV 2016, ICCV 2017 and ECCV 2018 respectively, and the Tutorial on 3D Object Geometry from Single Image at 3DV 2016. He also served in the program committees or as a reviewer for many top conferences and journals such as CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, PAMI and IJCV.
Junyan Zhu is a postdoctoral researcher at MIT CSAIL. He obtained his Ph.D. in EECS from UC Berkeley in 2017 after spending five years at CMU and UC Berkeley. He received his B.E from Tsinghua University. His research interests are in computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning, with the goal of building machines capable of understanding and recreating our visual world. He is a recipient of Facebook Fellowship, ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, and David J. Sakrison Memorial Prize for outstanding doctoral research from the Berkeley EECS. He has served on Technical Paper Committee at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 and as a guest editor of International Journal of Computer Vision. See more details at
Tinghui Zhou is a PhD student in the EECS department at UC Berkeley. He obtained my Masters degree in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University, and Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from University of Minnesota. His research interests are in computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning. He has published at all major journals and conferences of graphics and vision including four orals papers at CVPR and ECCV.
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