sail::AddressLabel Class Reference

v = &label. This is used for modeling a GNU C extension that allows taking address of labels. More...

#include <AddressLabel.h>

Inheritance diagram for sail::AddressLabel:
sail::SaveInstruction sail::Instruction

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AddressLabel (Variable *v, string label, bool is_function, il::node *original, int line)
virtual string to_string () const
virtual Variableget_lhs ()
virtual void set_lhs (Variable *v)
string get_label ()
bool is_function_label ()
il::typeget_signature ()
virtual string to_string (bool pretty_print) const
virtual bool is_removable ()


class boost::serialization::access

Detailed Description

v = &label. This is used for modeling a GNU C extension that allows taking address of labels.

Member Function Documentation

bool sail::AddressLabel::is_removable (  )  [virtual]

An instruction is removable if it's not present in the original source code, but introduced in the translation from the high-level language to the low-level language. For instance, if **x is an expression used in the original code, the low-level language will introduce a temporary t=*x; such instructions are "removable" for printing purposes.

Implements sail::Instruction.

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Generated on Sun Oct 17 14:01:30 2010 by  doxygen 1.6.3