University of Texas at Austin
Department of Computer Science
GDC 3.432
2317 Speedway
Austin, TX 78712
Email: jsinapov [at] cs [dot]
utexas [dot] edu

Latest news: I have started as tenure-track faculty at Tufts CS as of the Fall of 2017. My new website is here and thanks to everyone who helped make this happen!
Postdoctoral Fellow with the Learning Agents Research Group under the supervision of Dr. Peter Stone.
I am co-organizing a 2017 AAAI Spring Symposium titled Interactive Multi-Sensory Perception for Embodied Agents. If it sounds interesting and you want to participate, drop me an email!
I am currently teaching CS 309: Autonomous Intelligent Robotics (FRI-I) which aims to enable first year students to conduct scientific research in the area of robotics. Previous courses that I taught at UT include CS 378: Autonomous Intelligent Robotics (FRI-I) taught in the Spring of 2016 and its continuation, CS 378: Autonomous Intelligent Robotics (FRI-II) taught in the Fall of 2016. See here for an ever growing playlist of student project videos.
I am heavily involved in the Building-Wide Intelligence Project which aims to bring robots out of the labs and into human-inhabited environments.
Research Interests:
- Developmental Robotics
- Computational Perception
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Ph.D., Computer Science and Human-Computer Interaction
Department of Computer Science
Iowa State University, 2013
Advisor: Alexander Stoytchev - B.Sc, Computer Science
University of Rochester, 2005
Rochester, NY