Mission | Equipment | Personnel |
The LECS lab is a collaborative research facility, funded by a Computer Information Science and Engineering grant from NSF (grant number CDA-9624082) and running from 1996-2001.
LECS and our mission
Our motivation
Our objectives
The core of LECS
Applications Support
LESS Facilities Usage Policy (enzo and tazio)
The equipment in the LECS lab is oriented towards graphics-intensive processing, consisting largely of Silicon Graphics machines and high-end, multiprocessor Linux machines. Currently, the lab contains and is run by:
The chairman of the LECS lab committee is Don Fussell, and other faculty on that committee are Robert Blumofe, Simon Lam, Al Mok, and Harrick Vin. Boyd Merworth and Patti Spencer, of the CS department technical staff, are on the committee and provide technical support and advice.
It is necessary to have a faculty sponsor in order to get an account in the LECS lab (and physical access to it). The sponsor sends mail to Don Fussell, describing the proposed project, and the committee makes a decision.