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The Of Operator.

  The Of operator takes two operands--a direction and a region--and evaluates to a region that is adjacent to the specified region. The relative position of the resulting region is determined by the signs of the components of the direction vector, and the size of the new region is determined by circumscribing a box around the direction as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Illustration of ``Of'' Regions.

Mathematically, 		if vector v  tex2html_wrap_inline2402   and

region R tex2html_wrap_inline2406 ,

[v of R] defines an array of size tex2html_wrap_inline2408 ,

where tex2html_wrap_inline2410 if tex2html_wrap_inline2412


tex2html_wrap_inline2414 if tex2html_wrap_inline2418

This array is located outside of R and adjacent to R at tex2html_wrap_inline2420 ,

where tex2html_wrap_inline2422 if tex2html_wrap_inline2424 ,

tex2html_wrap_inline2426 if tex2html_wrap_inline2428

tex2html_wrap_inline2426 and tex2html_wrap_inline2432 if tex2html_wrap_inline2418

In other words, if tex2html_wrap_inline2424 , the upper bound of the Of array is the lower bound of the tex2html_wrap_inline2438 dimension. If tex2html_wrap_inline2440 , the lower bound of the Of array is the upper bound of the tex2html_wrap_inline2438 dimension. And if tex2html_wrap_inline2444 , the new region has the same upper and lower bounds for dimension i.

Kay Nettle
Fri Feb 21 21:14:29 CST 1997