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Compiler Flags


The ZPL compiler produces object C files along with a Makefile for compiling the resulting C code and linking them in with the machine-specific libraries. The machine-specific executable can be created by simply typing make in the proper directory. The current ZPL compiler, zpl, supports the following flags.

		 -a 				 Enables efficient access to parallel arrays.  Program 

time will decrease while code size will increase.

-c Enables optimized communication insertion algorithm. Both execution

time and code size will decrease.

-h Displays this message.

-n Disables the C pre-processor. By default, the ZPL input file is passed

through cpp before it is passed to the ZPL compiler.

-v Displays version information and quits.

-V Displays verbose error messages.

-I<path> Adds the specified include path during object code compilation, where

object code refers to the C code produced by the ZPL compiler.

-L<path> Adds the specified library path during object code compilation.

-l<library> Links in the specified library during object code compilation.

User-written C files and object files (files using the Unix .o format) can be also be specified at the command line when compiling a ZPL program. These C files and object files are included in the automatically generated Makefile. See the on-line documentation for further details on using the compiler and compiling the object C files.

Kay Nettle
Fri Feb 21 21:14:29 CST 1997