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Runtime Flags


The following flags can be supplied at runtime to the executable ZPL program. The -p, r and c flags specify the processor mesh configuration. If only the -p flag is specified, a default mesh configuration is used that is made as square as possible. If any two of these three flags are specified, the mesh will be configured as defined by the user.

The -s flag is used to set the value of config parameters.

		 -c<number> 				 Specifies the number of columns of processors to use.

-f<file> Specifies a file from which to initialize config variables.

-p<number> Specifies the number of processors to use.

-r<number> Specifies the number of rows of processors to use.

-s<var>=<value> Initializes the value of a config variable.

Kay Nettle
Fri Feb 21 21:14:29 CST 1997