
  • Amortized Inference with Implicit Models [slides]

  • A Kernelized Stein Discrepancy for Goodness-of-fit Tests and Model Evaluation [slides]

  • Distributed Estimation, Information Loss and Exponential Families [slides]

  • Belief Propagation for Crowdsourcing [slides]

  • Reasoning and Decision in Probablistic Grahphical Models - A Unified Approach [slides]

Recent / Upcoming Invited Talks

  • Simons Institute Workshop: Frontiers of Deep Learning, UC Berkeley, July, 2019

  • Symposium in Memory of Charles Stein, University of Singapore, June, 2019

  • SIAM Conference Computer Science Engineering, Spokane, March, 2019

  • UT Dallas, Computer Science, January, 2019

  • Allerton Conference, October 2018

  • Machine Learning Theory Workshop, Peking University, Beijing, China, June 2018

  • AAAI 2018 Workshop on Planning and Inference, Feb, 2018

  • SAMSI Workshop on Trends and Advances in Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms, December, 2017 [link]

  • Statistics Series, Gatech, September, 2017

  • Machine learning optimization group lunch, MSR Redmond, August, 2017

  • ICML 2017 Workshop on Implicit Models, August, 2017 [link]

  • Conference on Frontiers of Big Data and Statistical Sciences, ICSA Canada Chapter, August, 2017 [link]

  • 11th International Conference on Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, July, 2017 [link]

  • 39th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, USC, June, 2017 [link]

  • MSR Colloquium, Microsoft Research New England, June, 2017

  • Machine Learning and Friends Lunch, UMassAmherst, June, 2017

  • SIAM Conference Computer Science Engineering, Atlanta, March, 2017 [link]

  • ACDL Seminar Series, MIT, February, 2017

  • Computer Science, Tsinghua University, December, 2016

  • NIPS Bayesian Deep Learning Workshop, December, 2016

  • AI/ML Seminar, Department of Computer Science, UC Irvine, November, 2016

  • Statistical Seminar, University of Southern California, November, 2016

  • 4th Young Investigator Conference (EITA-YIC), MIT, August, 2015