For this exercise you will create a self grading quiz. Use the quiz that I have created for you. The correct answers are given in italics or parenthesis. Obviously on your quiz the correct answers will not be highlighted as it is done here.
If the user fails to supply an answer for any question, the user is alerted and the quiz is not graded. If the user selects two or more check boxes the answer is wrong even if one of the answers checked is the right one. For the Fill in the Blank type questions make sure that you use pattern matching with the case insensitive flag turned on. You may display the final grade in an alert box in the form Your grade is 4 / 6.
You want to test your forms in both Firefox and Internet Explorer. For this exercise make sure that your quiz is neatly spaced and attractive. Make several tests to make sure that your JavaScript code is working properly. When you are finished with the assignment, please put a link in the table in your index.html page by 11 PM Friday, 29 Mar 2019.