Department of Computer Science

Machine Learning Research Group

University of Texas at Austin Artificial Intelligence Lab

Publications: 2024

  1. Compositional Instruction Following with Language Models and Reinforcement Learning
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    Vanya Cohen, Geraud Nangue Tasse, Nakul Gopalan, Steven James, Matthew Gombolay, Raymond Mooney, Benjamin Rosman
    In Transactions on Machine Learning Research, December 2024.
  2. Measuring Sound Symbolism in Audio-visual Models
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    Wei-Cheng Tseng, Yi-Jen Shih, David Harwath, Raymond Mooney
    In IEEE Spoken Language Technology (SLT) Workshop, December 2024.
  3. CAT-BENCH: Benchmarking Language Model Understanding of Causal and Temporal Dependencies in Plans
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    Yash Kumar Lal, Vanya Cohen, Nathanael Chambers, Niranjan Balasubramanian, Raymond Mooney
    Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), November 2024.
  4. Natural Language Can Help Bridge the Sim2Real Gap
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    Albert Yu, Adeline Foote, Raymond Mooney, and Roberto Martín-Martín
    In Robotics, Science and Systems (RSS), July 2024.
  5. Multimodal Contextualized Semantic Parsing from Speech
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    Jordan Voas, Raymond Mooney, David Harwath
    In Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), August 2024.
  6. A Survey of Robotic Language Grounding: Tradeoffs Between Symbols and Embeddings
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    Vanya Cohen, Jason Xinyu Liu, Raymond Mooney, Stefanie Tellex, David Watkins
    In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), August 2024.
  7. CONTRADOC: Understanding Self-Contradictions in Documents with Large Language Models
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    Jierui Li, Vipul Raheja, Dhruv Kumar
    In North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL), June 2024.
  8. When is Tree Search Useful for LLM Planning? It Depends on the Discriminator
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    Ziru Chen, Michael White, Raymond Mooney, Ali Payani, Yu Su, Huan Sun
    In Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), August 2024.
  9. Distilling Algorithmic Reasoning from LLMs via Explaining Solution Programs
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    Jierui Li and Raymond Mooney
    preprint, April 2024.
  10. CAPE: Corrective Actions from Precondition Errors using Large Language Models
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    Shreyas Sundara Raman, Vanya Cohen, Ifrah Idrees, Eric Rosen, Raymond Mooney, Stefanie Tellex, and David Paulius
    In International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2024.
  11. Sparse Meets Dense: A Hybrid Approach to Enhance Scientific Document Retrieval
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    Priyanka Mandikal, Raymond Mooney
    In The 4th Workshop on Scientific Document Understanding, AAAI, February 2024.