Current Research
Coming soon!
Past Projects
Characterization of Irregular GPU Kernels
My master's thesis project investigated the performance behavior of irregular graph-based GPGPU benchmarks via cycle-level simulation and analyzed the impact of microarchitectural design tradeoffs.
[ Publications: Thesis'15, IISWC'14 ]
Parallel Traveling Salesman (TSP)
This project parallelized a random-restart iterative hill-climbing TSP solver for CUDA GPUs.
[ Publications: GPGPU'15, PDPTA'11 ]
GPU Lossless Data Compression
This project implemented a lossless compressor and decompressor for double-precision floating point data in CUDA, capable of compressing at 75 Gb/s.
[ Publication: GPGPU'11 ]
GFC is a GPU-based compressor/decompressor written in CUDA C for binary IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point data.
Code: GFC
TSPGPU is a CUDA heuristic solver for the symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem based on iterative hill climbing with 2-opt local search.